Sep 15, 2004 20:59
"Holy-er than thou attitude?" well that is what i have according to my holy-er than thou mom. She claims taht i have abused her by acting crap toward her all week. Oh i forgot it is wrong to put my own money in the tank and to not go to certain practices to be able to pick her up on time. I leave my home 30 minutes early knowing i have to sit in the hott car and wait outside her work place just to make sure i was on time so precious mommie doesnt have to wait a single second. filling up w/ my moeny which i have none because...i only work 1 night a week (the slowest night). and waht happens i get bitched at for like 5 hrs for being irresponsible for leaving her with 1/8 of a tank (47) miles left...Oh i forgot when i was on my way to pick her up i pulled up to the gasstation and it said 0 miles left in the tank. so i out all the rest of my money in it and i get yelled at for mputting money in the tank.
This morning i got yelled at over if i saw a sear or not on my morning run. I was telling her i saw one and we both made funny faces (and i made a weird face, and felt dumb) and she missed it and i said "nevermind" so she DEMANDSwith an elavated voice that i repeat the face. and i feeling it unnessacery for it to be repeated say i don't wanna and why should i ...she says do it now beause i am your mother..i was like whatever this is the stupdest waste of time!!!!!
waste of time
i totally can't take her any more imean if i actually did soemthing wrong i would totally understand but this is nonsense
and she says i have a hloy-er than thou attitude...she has no idea what i have lost during this and waht i have sacrificed and NOT COMPLAINED to her about. all i hear is complain complain complain
I REALLY don't think i have ever been more mad in my entire life i just want to cuse every word in the english AnD spanish language
WhAt ThE HeCk Is HeR PrObLem!?!?!?!?!?!