Who: England and Norway, but open to anyone who asks!
What: Norway doesn't seem to grasp what being a tsundere is all about. Or what it even is, really.
When: Forward dated to 12/8
Where: Tsunshine Café
Warnings: Countries.
[Norway didn't want this job.
In fact, he hadn't wanted any of the jobs he received ever since he appeared on the Thor However, at least with the last few he had the luxury of solitude. Now he's forced to face other people, providing good enough service so he can at least get paid. The Nordic was at least timely with getting his orders to his diners, but that didn't seem to be enough for the manager. It's why he's been pulled aside one day after the first week, now facing a stern scolding from his boss.]
You're doing it all wrong.
I'm servin' people ain't I?
That's not the point. There's a reason why this is called the Tsunshine Café and not the Kuushine Café. If you want to keep this job you better start acting more like 'him'. [As he says this he points over at England, not bothering to lower his voice to keep the other nation from hearing.] First day on the job and already he's performing better than you. I suggest you fix your act fast.
[With that the man leaves, leaving Norway to stare at the other nation with a vaguely hardened expression.]