Grandma Loon's Cautionary Limericks for Horrid Children.

Apr 24, 2007 19:22

wrote these for my roomie's kids. enjoy!

There once was a fellow named Victor
Who owned a small boa constrictor.
It grew and it grew
'Till it stood 10 foot 2,
Then it swallowed it's master. Poor Victor.

A young boy who often ate paste
Would claim that he "just liked the taste"
Then one day he sniffed glue
Just to try something new.
He lived, but his mind went to waste.*

*FACT: paste is a "gateway" adhesive! Maybe!

The nose of a boy a called Clyde
Had become a bit crusty inside
When picked with a finger
Biotics did linger
That spread to Clyde's brain and he died.
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