Permissions Post!

Feb 09, 2011 17:10

Contact information for me and all the things you can and can't do to Shirley. (Calling him 'Shirley' is, in his mind, in the latter category, but I obviously have no issue with it).

.Contact Information.

[Instant Messengers] I can be reached at MSN and AIM at the above. :)
[Plurk] Nope.
[Other] Nope.
[Preferred] Any, really; AIM is what I primarily use for RP talk, but I am perfectly happy with any.


[Backtagging] I will tag anything that turns up in my inbox, and am guilty of occasionally taking a while to respond myself.
[Threadhopping] Absolutely! He's got a tendency to step out of line, so teachers and prefects and general rule-abiders are welcome to come and cause trouble for him.
[Plotting] Message me, or email me, or catch me on AIM, or MSN- anything.
[Offensive subjects] I don't really have any major squicks, so just about anything goes.


[What's okay to mention around him/her?] Just about anything! He won't, of course, like it all, but there's nothing he needs to be kept in the dark about.

[Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, special abilities, etc] Nope; he looks like a perfectly normal human being. ...Well, alright, he looks like a sleep-deprived, ridiculously skinny, probably-malnourished human being. But. Er. There you are.

A warning; he is incredibly intelligent and can and will deduce things about your character, but obviously if that's not okay by you, he won't magically know their big secret or anything like that. He does get things wrong on occasion, and everything he can do is based on logical inference; it's definitely not ~unlimited~ power.

[Can I hack that strike or otherwise find out information they'd prefer to keep hidden?] If he's protecting something magically, it's probably pretty well-hidden, but yeah, go ahead, if your character's good at witchcraft and wizardry!

[Can I troll/mindscrew/mess with in general?] HELL YES. Though be prepared to be mindscrewed back.

[Can I spit at/jinx/step on/etc? (i.e. fighting)] Go right ahead. Sherlock is pretty good in a duel, though not unbeatable, and he will react, though he's not terribly likely to be the one starting the fight unless it's a last resort.

[Can I flirt with/hug/kiss/use other means of non-violent physical contact with this character?] He doesn't like to be touched. He will initiate physical contact to some extent- handshakes and so on- he even gives his landlady a hug and a kiss on the cheek in canon, everybody go awww- and doesn't really have a concept of personal space for anyone except himself. He has a habit of leaning over people's shoulders. He'll have to trust and like someone before they get to touch him of their own accord. Same goes for sex, which he's mostly uninterested in, though it does happen. Sherlock doesn't like women very much in terms of anything- he's a bit of a misogynist. However, it terms of sexual attraction, gender doesn't really seem to matter. He prefers people's minds.

As for flirting, he will either be completely clueless, turn you down harshly, or, if he's feeling nice and doesn't mind you, give you a long spiel on why he is Flattered But Not Interested.

ooc, character info, permissions

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