Chi Driving

Apr 01, 2018 12:02

There is a relatively new movement these days called Chi Living. It's based on the principles of Tai Chi, and it includes things like Chi Swimming, Chi Walking, Chi Running, etc. Here is an example of the walking and running:

In Chi Living, Chi Running and Chi Walking basic principles of T’ai Chi are employed to optimize the flow of energy in your body, to reduce the use of force for moving forward, and thereby reduce the risk of walking or running injury, while maximizing the benefits of mindful movement and healthy living.

Well, battling mental illness for about 15 years, and having experienced Tai Chi, yoga and meditation to learn how to leave naturally with mental illness, I've come up with my own sets of Chi's. One of them is Chi Driving.

Looking back at my experience I see that now, at 41 I'm a much more confident driver than I ever was in my 19 years of practice. And it didn't happen eventually. Meaning, experience (in driving) has nothing to do with that.

What made the greatest progress in my driving is learn how to control my violent moods caused by Bipolar disorder, plus finding the goal in life, the anchor.
Here is a few points to illustrate:

1) Saying good-bye to my mom. Not only physically not visiting her, but in my mind disassociating myself completely with her. I kind of don't consider her my mom (again, in my mind). This has to do with a healthy way that every teenager should find their freedom from parents at some -teen years. Well, I had to do it close to 40 !

2) attending yoga classes for 4+ years and learning on how to accept myself and my many weaknesses (such as, mental illness, learning disabilities, geographical challenge, etc.)

3) saying good-bye to a whole bunch of psychiatrists+psychologists that I've visited (in NY , TX and PA) who tried to sell me their non-sense idea that Bipolar disorder is really about your moods and your hormones.

4) now that I'm free from their influence I learn about parapsychology and how our brain works. I've been doing a lot of what you may call brain retraining on myself (or CBT, or Cognitive Behavior Therapy)

5) I've gotten deep into meditation. The main purpose behing learning to meditate is getting deeper within yourself, understanding yourself better.

6) finally, learning to disassociate myself from all the nightmares that I've experienced in a school environment, both as a student (attending various schools in different countries, plus undergraduate and graduate school) and as an employee in Special Education in various schools over the past 9 years.
My progress was very non-linear. The first 15 years of driving I would say I've actually gotten worse.
And then, over the past 4 years I have slowly started improving. The real leap happened in the past 3-5 months

mind-body, аня, bipolar

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