I started this on IJ but I am going to cross post it here too.
1 - How did you come to Queer as Folk and to Fandom?
I saw a commercial on Showtime with this guy screaming about a new groundbreaking show.I didn't really know what the show was about or who was going to be on it. I was just intrigued over the tone of the commercials. The chubby man with the hat just made me want to watch.
I watched the show the first night it aired and I was blown away. QAF became my very first fandom. Sure I follow the career of David Lynch like a wacked out stalker, but I had never really fanned for a show like this. 10 years later and I still love the show.
2 - Your favorite QaF season
My favorite season is season 1.
Not only is it the season we get to meet all of these wonderful characters, but it by far stretched the limits of cable TV. The show wasn't afraid to show people enjoying the many vices that life had to offer, and even show the darker sides of enjoying those vices without sounding like a psa.
The whole season was filled with pockets of perfection, not just with the acting either. The music direction of season one was amazing. From the opening of the show to the sometimes heartbreaking ending credits QAF treated us with some of the best music of any show on TV. Couple that with great set design and spot on wardrobe, season 1 just stood out.
I think early on in the season I realized how smart this show was, and what the future held for us. It in 103 right after Justin had seen Vic and Debbie at Woody's and Vic gave Justin his membership card. The bouncer had the best line in that episode. " Born in 1942? Your lookin damn fine for your age Vic." Seriously how smart, funny and amazing was that?
3 - Your favorite QaF episode
I don't have a favorite I have 3 favorite episodes.
120 King of Babylon.
I liked this episode so much, it was the last "fun" episode before the focus on the show became about growing apart and destruction of a beautiful man.
I liked this episode because of what it taught Brian, taking Justin for granted was a shitty thing for him to do. Brian being put into Justin's shoes was good for them. I also liked that they showed Justin being the top. If Justin would have been the bottom in that scene the whole point would have been lost. Brian seeing that Justin not only could pull his trick(s) again, and do the whole back room thing on his own was just inspired. That is one of those pockets of perfection I was talking about in my last post.
I liked this episode because it gave Vic a potentially meaty story line something he was lacking. I could have done without the whole Dave/Michael story line. To me this and a lot of the Michael/Ben scenes just showcase how child like Michael was and I hate story lines that encourage this particular flaw in Michael.
314 The Election.
I don't really have to talk this one to death because it's 100% clear why this would be a favorite. The scene on the stairs when Brian is just looking at Justin with all that love and respect. Seriously it makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
206 The Rules.
I like this episode because well Brian fucking Zucchini Man on the couch was hot. The scene where Brian is looking down on Justin as Justin was making out on the dance floor was intense, and the kiss that sealed the deal was just so disarmingly romantic. It wasn't one of their hot and sloppy kisses it just felt pure and full of love and promise.
I used to hate this episode. Debbie pissed me off because she had to bring her "Michael never scored with Brian" bitterness when giving Brian advice. "Tell him what you couldn't say to Michael" Debbie first Michael has nothing to do with this, and second Brian NEVER loved Michael the way that he loves Justin. It wasn't a couldn't say it was a wouldn't say, because it would have been a totally lie. I also I honestly never felt that Justin understood how difficult it must have been for Brian to make this compromise. I think if he would he would have treated the rules with more respect then he did.