(no subject)

Apr 13, 2005 19:20

I had an unexpected visitor today... Russell Burk. Out of the blue granny yells "Who's that boy walking toward our house?" I looked out and it was him. We talked for a couple of hours, ate some pizza and then he went to church. He's such a cool guy.

I have been setting time aside for AP U.S. history lately so I might actually be able to pass our quizzes. I wish I hadn't been so damn lazy this year in that class, but it's so easy because Mr. Miller assumes we are going to our work on our own. He's mistaken, nobody does crap for that class. People need to stop taking AP classes for the weight (I admit that's why I am in AP history) and do it because they want to learn. But then I feel pressured to do the same because I want to keep up with everybody else. I guess it's not that important that I am #6 in the class, I hear only big scholarships go to 1 and 2. But I'm able to so I might as well, what else would I be doing? I'm a nerd! Omg, I just remembered what happened in history on Monday...

I walk in to Miller's room first period and I spot a large box on Jennifer Mckee's desk. It was a present for her but nobody knew what was inside. She came in the room and Miller told her to open it carefully if she wanted to look because "it might get out". She then started laughing hysterically and moved far away from the box. I have to know everything so I moved to the box and lifted the edge of the lid carefully and peaked in and I was warned "Erika, you had better not let that out. If you do you HAVE to step on it." I just laughed at him and opened the lid more than before and a mouse head peeked out at me! My reflexes were just barely too slow and the mouse jumped out. Miller yelled "GOD DANGIT ERIKA, I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT!!!" and he turned bright red. I was so scared, I have never seen him that mad before, I couldn't look at him I was so ashamed. He screamed at me to chase it and stomp on it but I couldn't bring myself to so I grabbed the lid of the box to trap it, and chased it to the back of the room. I couldn't get the lid over it because it was hard for me to get close because I was scared. This went on for about 25 seconds and then Miller leaped up from his desk and ran toward the mouse and kicked it across the room! We eventually cornered the bastard and put him in a box and Christy Ott took it and released it outside of the cafeteria. It only took three periods for the mouse to find it's way back to Millers room, lol. I felt terrible, he spent a long time capturing it and I let it escape. It now lives in a hole in his closet, lol. This is my advice for everyone: Don't piss Miller off, it will scare the crap out of you. And don't expect to rid yourself of a mouse by releasing it in a far away place, they have good noses and they WILL be back, lol.
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