(no subject)

Jan 10, 2010 20:57

1. In 'The Attic'. Boyd tells Echo she has no friends, and then turns into one of the kidnappers from the 2nd episode. A sign that her subconscious is well aware that he is not to be trusted?

2. There are so many references to the 'mole' in season one, and we kind of assume that it's Dominic - but it's clearly not. It's Boyd.

3. Saunders either (a) blames Echo for her problems, and by destroying Bennet, assumes she can destroy Caroline. (b) is a mole for Boyd, (c) is a mole for other sections of Rossum - and has been imprinted to build a relationship with Boyd who has set out to destroy his own company, (d) hates Topher and doesn't want him to be happy.

4. IF Boyd's relationship with Saunders is pretend, and he's programmed her to help him destroy everything, what's with the scene where he says he's leaving and she gets all emotional? Was it show for somebody who is watching?

5. It makes sense that they picked Boyd to be ...evil - perhaps, because we know the least about his background, and he's always had hints of 'not quite normal', particularly in the 'help Topher hide the body' episode.

6. When Boyd gives Echo the keycard, he tells her to be discreet about her 'knowledge', and then when Adelle gets removed as head of the Dollhouse, he helps her get the house back - because he needs someone in charge there who can protect Echo's development. And he works with Ballard her back to the house.

7. Millie is back, which I guess means the sleeper is back, which I assume means she can kill some people. There could be an awesome fight scene on its way.

8. I want Dominic back - I hope they rescue him.

9. When Echo is about to have Caroline put back into her, Boyd is completely supportive of it, we can assume this is because he knows that the Caroline wedge is missing (otherwise she'd back able to identify him). Later in the episode, he makes a clear statement to the effect that he has never met Caroline to Caroline. If he has the intent of taking the Dollhouse down from the inside, why does he still need to lie?

10. All that said, the Boyd being the big-bad totally fits in with traditional Joss-isms, Buffy, River and Echo all being given super-powers by evil men who intend to use them for themselves. All three women are able to use these powers to fight back and regain control.

11. I love how every Whedon fan is totally conditioned to assume that any character who finds happiness is immediately doomed - and yet surprised EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

That's it for now.
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