(no subject)

Sep 09, 2006 03:56

Kakei Shun

Age: 16
Birthday: 6/6
Bloodtype: A
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 171 lbs
Medical Info: N/A
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Physical traits: Tall. Insanely tall, and yet, he's only the fourth tallest on his team. W-what.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Anything goes!
Mentionable IC: Ahh ... almost anything's good. Given the point that we've taken the Poseidon boys from in the manga, though, they're still their team's "secret weapons," which means that Kakei will not be inclined to admit that he plays football. He's not going to lie about it! But he's not going to act like he plays it, either, so unless your character has a good reason to know, prooobably not a good idea to bring that up.
Abilities: Tea-serving power. ): No, he's got a lot of physical strength, which is required given his position. He's capable of stopping most people back home single-handedly.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask first!
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: He'll most likely either attempt to evade or just ignore you, but hey! Your call.
Maim/Murder/Death: Ask first. I need to talk with Mizumachi's player before getting into any potentially dangerous situations. Not that I see Kakei getting himself into that, but it's always a possibility.

Additional notes:
Poseidon mafias for each other.

No, seriously. The entire team is like a family, and if you hurt one, the entire team is likely to cut you (Kakei has two linemen who refer to him as "sensei," Mizumachi immediately jumps in for Kobanzame, their quarterback, when trouble's afoot, etc etc). What this means in terms of camp is that Kakei and Mizumachi will be getting involved in each others' business.

That means that if you confide something to Kakei? He'll probably mention it to Mizumachi. Threaten one of them? The other will be right there ready to do something. That doesn't mean that they're invulnerable, though! Please ask us if you want to injure/maim/kill/swap/whatever to either Kakei or Mizumachi. Most likely, we won't mind, but we'll need to contact one another to maintain their balance.
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