Oct 29, 2004 23:59
Now we stand again on the cusp of an atheistic age. An age where the Christian faith is losing its hold as paganism once lost its hold. And the new humanism, the belief in our accomplishments and our rights, is more powerful than ever before. Of course we cannot know what will happen as the old religion thoroughly dies out. Christianity rose on the ashes of paganism, only to carry forth the old worship in new form. Maybe a new religion will rise now. Maybe without it, man will crumble in cynicism and selfishness because he really needs his gods. But maybe something more wonderful will take place; the world will truly move forward, past all gods and goddesses, past all devils and angels. And in such a world, we will have less of a place than we have ever had. I tell you, life does not need us. We have never had a true purpose. We have no place.