Random thoughts.

May 30, 2008 02:24

Parade shift later today. These shifts are so different from what they used to be. I've gone through so many phases, so many different "regulars" out there on the crew. The current regulars seem to be happy and social with each other. I'm only loud & social when I'm in my comfort zone. I seem to only be my real self around one person at work nowadays. I used to be comfortable out there with almost anyone but now I feel like I'm forced to play a role that the others have created. And when I don't comply with how I'm supposed to act, people assume something's wrong. Nothing's wrong. Just because we don't have similar interests, and the interests we once shared have gotten old doesn't mean something has to be wrong. Especially if I was never truly like that to begin with. I'm tired of acting. I'd much rather be accepted for who I really am. It's a nice feeling. To be liked despite acting like the dork I am. I only feel like myself around one person at work and I'm gonna miss said person when I leave.

I'm quitting soon. Couldn't get the time off for the vacation I'm going and I couldn't possibly call in for 2 weeks straight. I'm not going to leave with a "peace out bitches! I'm out of here" attitude though. I'm actually debating re-hiring when I get back, probably in a different department though. I know there's a 3 (or 4? or 6?) month period before I can re-hire though so I'll probably job hunt between then and if I don't find something by then, I'll go back to the mouse now that I know it's a guarantee hire. Money's money and I think I'll know what to expect the second time around. I'm putting in my 2 weeks notice very soon. Even though I should be cherishing what's left of this chapter in my life, I still feel like calling in some days. I'm hating the shifts they're scheduling me. They suck balls. I'm SOOO excited to be getting out of there just in time for the crazy summer hours.

I Love Lucy is on. I should just get the DVDs already so I don't have to stay up until 2:30am to watch an extra episode. The only episodes I can't stand are the ones where the Ricardo's fight with Fred & Ethel. That and the oh so overrated ones like where Lucy & Ethel work in a candy factory and where Lucy advertises Vitameatavegimen.

I had more to say but I'm getting pretty sleepy so I'll continue some other day.
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