happpy fucking birthday to me =] im 18

Apr 16, 2007 03:27

i am so unsure about my life and everything in it... i dunno what im doin...skool n wrk n college(wtf man) and needin to fix my god damn tooooooth thats fucked up like hell. i have no money for that kinda shit.....and my tooth is rotting out? all my pants have holes in them and i dont care if i look like im poor/homless/ a bum/ raunchy so no one really takes me seriously....and assholes like dr sutton who think if you have piercings and tattoos your never going to exceed working in a fast food death trap with grese and pimply teenagers infesting your wonderful work place making you feel like a even bigger piece of shit because they're fucking 16 and get paid the same as you!!!! (yea i know- i shouldnt take that shit seriously BUT its hard not to think about it every now and then when people just throw in your face)
so im suddenly responsible for evrything in my life, everythings the same but its different now cause if i run over someone driving ill get jail time fo sho....and wtf is up with filing your taxes.... ive been in the dark about this for quite some time.... i miss simplicity in my life....i miss being a nieve asswipe that thought i knew everything and thought i would always be gravy no matter what cause i was havin fun...

but its okay...ill figure this shiiiiiiit =p cuz im gangsta

N later dOnE <3
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