13 = bad luck?

Jul 13, 2010 22:23

today is a damn bad day. shall nt elaborate on what happened the night. (or early morning).

slept 2hrs and was super super tired. but surprisingly, i didnt fall asleep at all! except for the last 10mins of econs tut, when econg babbling away LOL.

trng was... WORST TRNG EVER. scolded by one of my own teammates.. in front of so many people in a field. how embarassing is that? fuck u man. who are u to scold me? hmm? 你凴什麽?你是誰?又不是教練,干嘛那麽多嘴?罵了也就算了,罵錯人還不肯道歉。我又沒做錯,你喊什麽鬼。有本事來啦!他媽的。竟然敢罵完拍拍屁股就走掉。連一句“對不起”都開不了開口,也太遜了吧。罵罵罵,往日一定有報應。

urgh was really damn pissed at that moment. almost cried and walk off. 
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