
Sep 14, 2006 19:06

Ok, so I am extremely bored, and I should be doing homework, but I'm taking a study break.

I haven't updated in a while, so I figured I would. I don't really have anything interesting to update about, but anyway, here is an update.

I am back at Smith, living in Ziskind 212. I've been here for about two weeks. Classes are going well so far. Nothing to difficult yet. I'm taking MUS 100 Fundamentals of Music, MUS 101 Intro to World Music, MUS 200 History of Western Music, and PHY 101 Physics of Musical Sound. So much music! But, so much fun!!! Well, not the History class. That is rather boring. But, seems to be ok so far.
I've had rather bad luck with body parts since coming back to Smith. First, my knee is all screwed up for some reason, so I am wearing a knee brace for that. Second, my arm is severely bruised because, funny story, I tripped over the extension cord that the housekeeper was using for the vacuum, and when I fell, my arm went in between the second and third steps to the stairwell of Ziskind. Consequently, I have a bruise about half way between my wrist and my elbow on the underside of my arm, and a bruise near my elbow on the upper side of my arm. It hurt quite a bit when it happened, but not so much now.
What else? I am in the Gamelan here at Smith. For those of you that don't know what a Gamelan is, it's an ensemble in which the performers beat on metal instruments with wooden mallets. The only requirements are that you can count to seven and hit a stationary object with a hammer. Sounds pretty easy, right? Wrong. It's slightly more complicated than that. You also have to have a mild sense of rhythm and cordination. I, however, lack these two essentials slightly. I went to the first practice last night, and screwed up a huge amount of times. But, I started to get the hang of it by the time I had to leave. However, if I stay with the group, I don't have to take two of the three tests in my Intro to World Music class. So, is it worth it to spend three hours a week performing in this group, or would I be better suited to use this time to study and do homework and suck it up for those two tests? I haven't decided yet. I will go to next week's practice and see what happens, but I may decide to not do it.
Anything else? I can't seem to think of anything at the moment. Oh wait, yes I can. You should all go to this website and watch this movie trailer.
Then, when the movie comes out, (which I am not sure when that is) you should go see it if it is in theaters, or go rent it when it comes out on DVD.
(Yes, that is P!nk you hear, and P!nk you see. She is one of the main characters in this movie.)

I guess that is it for now.

Have Fun, and go watch the DAMN TRAILER!!!!

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