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I'm sorry, but I love it. I love it so much I can't stand it. It's hard to take much from a promo, because we don't know what any of it really means--what one thing looks like, could mean something completely different--so I'll just say that everything looks shiny and lovely and very very interesting, but what I'm mainly focusing on here is the Cas aspect. Because that's what's got everybody in an uproar.
Now, I've held my tongue for the most part. I've quietly listened to everyone bitch and moan about Cas through season 6 and whine about how craptastic season 7 is going to be, and I've stuck up for what I feel I need to in the politest way possible, but I've sort of had enough. It's time for me to get everything out in the open.
I love Castiel. I sort of started watching the show for him. I've had some problems with him, true. I don't think he's been utilized well prior to season 6, but for the most part I think he's been a fantastic addition to the story, and I'm glad he's stuck around as long as he has. So anything I say in this post that can, and probably will be used against me, cannot be attributed to my dislike of the character. Just getting that clear now.
Now on to business.
I'm just uh...confused why people are so upset. What the fuck does everyone want? I mean, what do you want?! What are you so pissed at the writers for! What do you want from them, or from Cas, or from whoever, that you're not getting! I don't understand just what you people want!
People are pissed because Cas has overstayed his welcome and has been kept on this long simply for the fans. Bullshit. People are upset that Cas has taken this drastic change in character, and is potentially, maybe, we don't know yet, going to be eliminated, because the writers hate the fans and Cas and just want to pee all over everything good on the show. Bull. Shit.
It's called character development. Cas hasn't been kept on solely because of the fans. The fans had a great deal in keeping him on, but they aren't the only reason. And the writers aren't turning him into this big evil monster, and killing him off because they're stupid and don't know what they're doing, or because they hate Cas or the fans.
Did anyone ever think to take a step back and look at this as maybe an interesting character arc? WHICH IS WHAT IT FUCKING IS?!
Goddamit what do you people WANT?!
Let's get something straight here:
Cas isn't evil. Never has been. That's not what the end of season 6 meant. So don't freak out.
And even if he was evil, SO FUCKING WHAT! Would that really be so bad? Sure, it's not something we expected, but holy shit, isn't that the point?! So much in this show is so predictable, it's nice to have a little surprise now and then! And this is one helluva surprise!
But Cas isn't evil. He made some choices, and some of them were maybe misguided and poorly chosen, but he's not the only one at fault. The Winchesters are just as much to blame for what happened. Everyone made mistakes, and I think that's what the last few episodes of season 6 were all about. Everyone is to blame. Even though none of them really think they are.
The important thing to recognize here is that for the first time in 3 seasons, Castiel finally has a purpose. He's no longer the comedic relief. He's no longer a plot device. Which is absolutely what he was in seasons 4 and 5. Season 6 finally, FINALLY gave Cas a purpose, and a personality, and yeah his character took a dark turn there at the end but goddamit that makes for a seriously great storyline. Yeah? Can you see it? It's interesting! And I can guarantee that what all you butthurt Cas fans want for Cas is so far from the best possible storyline, and I'm glad the writers don't actually listen to what the fans want.
Cas is gearing up to be the next "big bad" for the Winchesters to battle. And that's sad, and scary, and absolutely brilliant all at once. It is! I promise you! It's genius! Because think about it. Cas knows the boys. He's pulled them both from hell. He's rebuilt them. He's been watching them for years. He knows them. What makes them tick. What will break them. He knows them better than anyone else on the planet, and that's one fucking terrifying monster to try and battle against.
But he also loves the boys. They're as much his downfall as he is theirs, and they'll potentially be the death of him. There's a good chance that Cas will sacrifice himself for Sam and Dean, and if that means he dies and we never see him again, well I honestly cannot think of a better way for him to go.
But what this whole Castiel fiasco comes down to is we honestly, truly, have absolutely no fucking clue what's going to happen in season 7. We know Misha's been signed on for the first two episodes, beyond that we don't know. But that's just it. We don't know. Just because we don't know that he's not signed on for the rest of the season doesn't mean he isn't. SO RELAX! They kept Crowley coming back a pretty big fucking surprise, so just hold onto the possibility that maybe the writers and producers and actors are looking out for our best interest, and keeping things a surprise! Don't pretend like you know what's going to happen. Because you don't.
Misha's not being tossed aside. Neither is Cas. The writer's have a plan, and whatever it is, I'm sure it's the best choice for the storyline. Then again, maybe it's not. Maybe it'll turn into a huge, gigantic misstep, but WE DON'T KNOW YET.
So, Cas fans...don't try and fix something before it's broken. You have no idea what's going to happen, so don't act like you've been personally affronted before anything actually happens. If at the end of season 7 you still feel the same way, that's absolutely fine. Bitch all you want, and I won't say a word against you. But for now, just back the fuck off and cool down. Nothing's been ruined yet, so don't ruin the excitement and fun for the rest of us.