Feb 25, 2011 21:42
I've been pushing the internet further and further away lately. Only because I'm busy, and would rather come home and sleep than stay up all night flailing over stuff that really doesn't "need" to be flailed over (and also, because the nights that I DO choose to stay up and flail over stuff, NO ON ELSE IS ON TO FLAIL WITH ME).
Anyway. I'm SO incredibly behind on reading fic, it's not even funny. So what I want from you is to rec me some. I want stuff you've written that you're particularly proud of and think I should read. I talk enough about my own writing (and get plenty of love to keep me satisfied for a thousand lifetimes), so I want to throw some love back at you guys. And if there's something you haven't written, but think I should read, send that on over too. Really, there's very little I've actually read in the last month or so, so anything is fair game. You rec it, most likely I've not read it.
Invite others to join the fun too. This is all about you guys. PIMP YO SHIT, BBS!
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