30 Days of Supernatural - Days 24 and 25

Feb 07, 2011 13:27

I'm getting really bad about keeping up with these, aren't I.  Well...it's almost over, so *shrug* whatev.

Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened:

Episode 6.01: "Exile on Mainstreet"

Not only because it sucked ass, but because it literally should never have happened.  Season 5 should have been it.  Sam should have fallen down the hole, Dean should have remained broken and alone, and that last scene that we dare not speak of should have never even been a thought in anyone's brain.

Or (and this is my personal favorite), Sam and Dean BOTH said yes, and they both fall in the hole, never to be seen or heard from again.  Thelma and Louise style.  They go out together.

Whether Cas and Bobby live or die doesn't matter, it would have worked either way.

But Sam and Dean had a very limited amount of options to go with, and they didn't pick any of them.  Sam didn't stay dead.  Adam was Michael (which should have never happened).  Dean went to Lisa....NOBODY MADE WISE DECISIONS!

I'm enjoying the sixth season, but I'm bitter about even getting one.  It just should have never happened.

Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didn’t:

Adam joining the team to fight monsters with his big brothers and their nerdy angel BFF.

I think Sam regrets not having the opportunity to teach someone everything he's learned.  I think he liked the idea of being the big brother.  And Adam was distanced enough from the Winchesters during his life, he'd have a much different perspective and way of fighting.  It would have been really interesting to see how he handled hunting and what sort of dynamic he brought to the group.

But really I just need to see a training session with Bobby.  Can you imagine the snark between them?

All of this has been rectified in fic, but not nearly enough, and really fic can only keep one happy for so long.  I need this on the show like I need air to breathe.  There's still time to get it, but I might die from shock if we actually did.  The likelihood and plausibility are very slim, and let's face it...I just don't get that lucky.

Masterlist of questions

my love for adam goes up to an 11, meme, supernatural

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