30 Days of Supernatural - Days 20 and 21

Feb 02, 2011 15:03

Day 20 - Your favorite recap:

Don't have one.  I hate the recaps.

And so this 'day' isn't a complete waste, let's go ahead and move on to the next question, shall we?

Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance:

I feel like the obvious choice here is Cas.  I mean, that badass motherfucker knows how to make an enterance.  Yeah?

But it's not my favorite.

I had initially chosen grown-up Sam and Dean's entrances in the pilot ep.  Because come on, cute little puppy poking his head around the corner? Or the fight, and the "Easy, tiger."  There's no question about it.  The boys stole my heart from the very first moment I saw them.

But theirs isn't my favorite either.

There is one character entrance that's even more badass than Castiel's: the Impala.

Goddamit, if Dean ever looked at me like that I think I might explode.

Also, car!porn FTW.

My logic is sound.

Masterlist of questions

kinks, meme, supernatural

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