Okay. Okay. So. Right. Overall this episode was both awesome and terribly frustrating all at the same time. I...can't even. I just...lots of info to process.
Cas fisted Sam. I'm just sayin'.
Cas is snarky. Goddamn! And I approve of this wholeheartedly. Also, he is as big as the Chrysler Building. WTF! ILU SFM, CAS! *smush* XD
Soulless!Sam makes me sad. He's...not Sam. Duh, I know, but it sort of just hit me last night. He's still just really painful to watch. Interestingly enough though, I trust the guy. Not in the "I trust your judgement" way, because no, but in the "I trust that you don't know what you're doing, and that you want to fix things, and that you're here with me and things are gonna be okay" kind of way. I was a little scared at one point when I thought maybe Sam and Dean were parting ways....again....but then we found out it was just a ruse or...whatever, and now it feels like Sam and Dean are on the same page. There's still trust issues, but it feels like we're getting somewhere. They've pushed past their ridiculous habit of angsty brooding somethings-wrong-with-my-brother secretive phase, to the lets-rock-this-bitch-with-feeling phase.
(And btw, the last scene...of course you're with your brother Dean, don't make such a big angsty deal out of it. Sheesh *facepalm*.)
Hey, Gwen! I like you now. Welcome to the team.
Christian is a demon? Okay *shrugs*. A sexy sexy demon, who looks uber sexy when talking smack with Deano.
Papa Vamp was actually really...creepy. He's got the 30 Days of Night fingernail thing goin on, plus that sexy voice, hot DAMN! I liked him. A lot.
CROWLEY!!!!!! Crowley as Hell's new realestate agent? Meh *shrugs*. I don't get it. But whatev. Crowley has Sam's soul, or...knows where it is, and how to give it back, and oh Lord if this doesn't end in a Sam/Crowley deal-breaker disguised as a kiss, I will be sorely disappointed.
Now, on to the frustrating....
Not a new thing for the season, but one that finally needs to be addressed.
1. TOO MANY PLOTS! Writers you're slowly sliding off the edge, I hope you know that. You've introduced too many characters, too many "important" storylines, and not enough time and attention span to deal with them all properly. You're digging a hole, and I'm afraid you're just gonna have to lie in it while we all bitch at you. It's your own fault.
2. Stop bringing up the family thing if you're going to be disgustingly inconsistent with it, writers. This whole episode was just a little schitzophrenic, in my opinion.
3. SOMEBODY FUCKING MENTION ADAM ALREADY! Or bitches will start being cut. Seriously, this is coming from a completely unbiased perspective. Honestly. Regardless of how much I love Adam, it's just sloppy writing to have not mentioned him already. I'm not talking about bringing him back in for anything important, I'm talking about saying the kid's fucking name. Mkay?! You can't introduce this guy as part of the Winchester bloodline, and even include him in the almost!apocalypse for a pretty terribly important role, and then just ignore him. Clearly family is important to the Winchesters. You even had Zachariah use Adam as bait to get to Sam and Dean, which WORKED, mind you, but apparently now he's just not worth mentioning again? Nuh uh, show. Not cool. I do not approve. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that it's still early in the season, and there's still time to bring him up, but still. You've had time to mention him, and you haven't utilized it. And that makes me sad.