Apr 20, 2004 20:57
well todays tuesday and i got bowling on tuesday..well i think i did ok i guess i got over my average all 3 times woot woot...then i hung with tim b4 that and after bowling i chilled..with samitha(the person i still love) well besides that her neighbor and i were playing catch with a football and i told her that i still loved samm and she was like aww and stuff..so then everyone left and me and samm tlaked 4 a while and travis martindale was one fone(i cant belive she didnt get it):-P!!!well then my dad drove by on his motorcycle and travis fone died so me and samm were talking and i knew something was wrong so i asked her and we had a couple conversations...i had to hold back tears because i get so wierd around her evewn though she dosent like me like i like her i still get wierd..well then after talking seh wascrying a lil so she went inside and i went home where i am now(DuH) so know im gettinbg ready to call ehr to see if shes ok or not well that means im out later dudes Pe@cE(i LOVE her)
<3 alwayz "Dan The Man"