More-plot-than-porn's backstory

Jan 07, 2009 01:26

Below is a conversation between me, Ashe, and Pre (who own the characters Ashe and Reign in my not-yet-porn fic; Shev is me) regarding said fic, and my quick run-down of the fic's backstory.  Will most likely make little sense out of context, if you've no knowledge of their actual IC plot.

Ashe: x3 Something'd have to happen for Ashe to hate Reign, but in that sort of situation, Ashe would act like that. <3
Shev: The backstory to this is that Reign has succeeded in conquering Lab City (or whatever the heck we've named ourselves... >.>; ). During his disappearance, he's traveled to the closest cities to rile them up and convince them to support his offensive against the labs. In my mind, they didn't need too much convincing; as I am almost certain our closest neighboring cities basically hate us. So he formed a coalition of soldiers from several cities and throughout the country, returned to the labs, and took them by force. I'm not certain how he disabled all of the creatures, but right now I'm leaning towards 'laced the city's drinking water with Euphoric Goop': my Future!reign has several Weavers, the arguable favorite being the Love Weaver, who will make an appearance later (omgspoiler!).
Pre: Somehow the mental image of Reign with a giant pink spider is absolutely priceless ^^
Ashe: x3 Shev, you never cease to amaze me
Shev: Anyway, I figure Silver had an adverse reaction to the Goop and is possibly in a coma? In some sort of peril, anyway. By the time Lab City residents realized what was going on, it was mostly too late. They've organized and are forming the best resistance that they can, but with their critters kept drugged and them outnumbered, there's only so much they can do. Ashe has finally realized who's behind the whole thing (really, it's sort of hard to miss now that Reign's heading up an army...), and is dealing with the fact that this fellow he thought was actually a really pretty ok guy has not only taken over his city, poisoning his beloved pets to do so, but has also placed his lover in jeopardy. So, understandibly, he currently hates and feels betrayed by Reign. Now Reign has captured him and has him at his mercy.
Ashe: x3 That makes total sense, and ties it together perfectly. yes!
Shev: @ Pre: I know, amusing, right? Plus, they're totally diobalical. I mean, Death Weavers and Mind Weavers and such are fairly straightforeward: They posess deadly poison and manipulate your mind. But Love Weavers are deceptive. They control you by making you feel good. It's just the sort of thing I think he'd find useful; he's all about the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing thing.
Pre: It is very much his style xP....if you're not careful this is going to end up being his actual approach to conquering the labs xP
Shev: It has the advantage of taking the pets out of the equation without havinig to actually fight them, and also perserves them for later use. See, I'm under the impression that Reign doesn't want to just stop with the Labs. My Alternate!reign's strategy is to convince the neighboring cities that he is doing them a favor by subduing those crazy lab denizins and bringing them under control. And he is, it's just his control. He'll then use the critters and what Labbies he can obtain
Pre: THis is going to be a fun one to read...I have to say ^^
Ashe: x3 Sounds like Reign to me. Pre, I believe our characters have been hijacked.
Pre: Seems like it xP
Shev: to conquer the neighboring cities, not stopping until he has a solid, easily defensible region under his control. Ashe is, if not the lynch-pin, at least a key part of the whole plan. Ashe commands great loyalty from his 'army'; they'd be worse than useless without him, having to be kept heavily drugged at all times, but with him, witih Ashe firmly by his side, Reign can weild Ashe's army as his own, which would be quite useful indeed. The only problem is assuring himself of Ashe's complete and utter obedience and loyalty, because otherwise, leaving him and his creatures alive is an immense liability and personal danger. Thus, Reign's best and only option isd to utterly break him.
Shev: xD I can stop if you want... xP I warned you; you're inspiring! xD
Pre: How you managed to be inspired into all of this from Ashe/Reign man-love is beyond me...but seriously cool though...sleep....xD
Shev: *wails* I don't knoooooww! D| It was just s'posta be porn! Nice, simple, porn! Blame Vixen; she started it... >.>;;

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