(no subject)

Dec 02, 2004 21:23

So I'm extremely bored and nothing exciting has gone on lately so I decided to do this, I'm sure no one will have the patience to read it all but what the hey...


First best friend: Amanda Merrill
First car: I have no clue but I should find out soon
First real kiss: meaningless now
First screen name: TommmyBabe or some crap like that
First self purchased album: haha chumbawamba
First funeral: A guy I didn't even know, that was taking place at my church when I happened to be there, it was way sad I cried
First piercing/tattoo: umm when I was like 7 in my ears?
First pets: hmmm dog named Toby...I've had many since
First true love: Scotty Morgan! haha
First enemy: hmm...I don't really remember, I forget her name but she was extremely mean in the first grade.


Last car ride: by myself..listening to Jamie Cullum
Last good cry: about a week or so ago, talking to my dad on the phone, about everything
Last movie seen on TV: Shallow Hal
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: Cookie Dough haha
Last crush: I have many
Last phone call: Shay
Last time showered: and hour ago
Last shoes worn: painful boots
Last CD played: Jamie Cullum
Last annoyance: umm....my brother playing guitar really loud?
Last disappointment: Not being able to find gifts for people...and other stuff
Last time wanting to die: haha um probably my moms wedding?
Last shirt worn: miller brewing company t-shirt? It's a night shirt
Last website visited: autotrader.com
Last song you sang: High and Dry-Jamie Cullum/Radiohead


What is in your cd player?:haha Jamie Cullum
What color of underwear are you wearing?: blue and yellow striped haha
What's under your bed?: packed away junk from moving
What time did you wake up today?: 5:30-6 I kinda sit it bed for at least 20 minutes


Where do you want to go?: New York
What is your career going to be?: no idea! So many things that aren't related...something that pays good and that I enjoy and I have yet to find out
Where are you going to live?: New York but I'll probably get homesick and come back
How many kids do you want?: 3-4
What kind of car(s): umm...I dunno doesn't really matter but I will never have a soccer mom van...I'll have an suv or something
Name of first born son(s): Hayden
Name of first born daughter(s): no idea zoey or something


Current Mood: tired/bored
Current music: none
Current taste: cookie dough
Current hair: wet from the shower
Current longing: umm...there are lots
Current desktop picture: my sister and I on homecoming
Current favorite artist: hmm...I don't have just one, it's givin that I'm into Jamie Cullum, and of course I still love death cab
Current book(s): go ask alice
Current color of toenails: pink
Current time-wasting wish: hmm..I don't think anything I'd do would be a waste
Current hate: um... school probably
[1- What's your name] Lindsey
[2- Who do you love more than anyone] God duh, but if we are talking people, my family.
[3- Who do you hate more than anyone] I try not to hate anyone, but I dislike people who are mean
[4- Do you like small or big cars] for myself? small
[5- Do you go to the toilet, loo, bog or bathroom? bathroom...haha
[6- If you don't wash do you feel dirty]yea I hate that feeling
[7- Do you clean your teeth everyday]of course who doesn't
[8- Do you like people because they are fun or because they understand you]. both, there are times for fun and times for understanding.
[9- Is the world round or flat] round
[10- Do people underestimate children] yea I guess
[11- Are teenagers great] we are brats and selfobsorbed but most of us will grow out of it
[12- Is being rebellious good] um...sometimes
[14- Is fox hunting bad? yea it's mean
[15- Do you have a secret] yes a million
[15- Is it bad] some
[16- Can you tell it] that wouldn't be a secret now would it?
[17- Go on then] .....
[18- Do you like keeping things clean] umm...I don't like to clean but I hate it when things aren't...if that makes sense
[19- Would you ever take drugs] again? not planning on it

[20- Do you surf the web a lot] not really
[21- Do you consider yourself popular] I don't think anyone is popular, everyone has friends.
[22- Name your best friend] both Shay and Amanda ultimately
[23- Can you tell him/her anything]yes
[24- Can you really trust anyone]not anyone, yea right
[25- Is school okay really] no school sucks
[26- Is society important] I suppose
[27- Are rules made to be broken] some
[28- Does God exist] yes of course
[29- Do people worry too much] yes.
[30- Should you be afraid of death] No but don't ignore it, because it happens no matter what
[31- Do you like riding in your car with the windows open] yes.
[32- Do your parents annoy you] yea sometimes, and I'm sure i annoy them
[33- Do you think Eminem is an idiot] I guess not
[34- Can Britney sing] of course not
[35- Is Madonna full of herself] nah, maybe in her earlier years
[36- Do you even care about those people anyway]not a whole lot
[37- Is fame real] umm...I think it's just society that leads it on, because "famous" people are just people
[38- Would you ever marry anyone younger] not way younger, but if I loved them it shouldn't matter
[39- Do you always wash your hands after going to the bathroom] Yea thats so gross when people don't
[40- Are first impressions important] yea
[41- Can you make snap judgements and are they nearly always right]not really there are so many people I thought would be a certain way and were far from it
[42- If a girl sleeps around is she slutty] umm...depends i guess
[43- If a boy sleeps around is he great] no but guys seem to think so
[44- Why are we all trapped in society] I wouldn't know
[45- Why do we do what people tell us] Because not many people have minds of there own and worry about what others think, I can be guilty of that too
[46- Would you rather eat fast food or something healthy] healthy but fast food is easier to get to
[47- Are grandparents important] of course they are
[48- What means the most, friends or family] family because they are always there, sad to say it but friends can drift but you can't get away from your family
[49- Are sports fun or too hard work] I don't play sports but I would assume fun
[50- Is image important] thats what everyone is taught
[51- Would you like a good job] yep
[52- Do teachers have lives] yea
[54- Can boys and girls ever be proper friends] yes
[55- Do boys think about sex far too much] yea probably....
[56- Are pretty people annoying] some
[57- Don't you just hate it when a really thin person complains about being fat all the time?] haha yea, and I'm guilty of that to, (not that I"m thin but I"m not obese but girls are selfconsious I can't help it if I have a different image in my head)
[56- Are anorexics really ill or are they just being silly] they are ill.
[57- Are animals people, too] they aren't people, but they should be treated good
[58- Would you ever call someone a racist name] no thats mean
60- Do you like sunny days or rainy days best] sunny but sometimes rainy days are nice, not gloomy days
[61- Do you like spring or fall best] Fall
[62- Do you sing in the shower] haha YES
[63- Do you use a hairdryer or towel dry] towel dry then hairdryer
[64- Do you wear clothes 3 days running?] no eww
[65- Do you talk to yourself] umm..probably and I don't know it
[66- When you get mad do you shout or bottle it up] bottle up then explode
[67- When you're depressed do you pretend to be okay] yea sometimes but people see through me...well the people who know me well do
[68- Do you drink wine, beer or alcopops]I have drank beer and wine but I don't "drink" them
[69- Do you drink orange juice or cola] both
[70- Did you enjoy this survey] umm..it kept me busy for awhile
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