"You sure you wanna do this, Hotaru-chan?"
She blinks a few times, turning to the source of the voice. Softly, she smiles at the three who had decided to escort her here--the family she'd known since, well, she had first awakened as Sailor Saturn. The trio of Outer Senshi who had taught her and clothed her over the years. She had been proud to fight alongside them, but now, she feels her path has taken her elsewhere. It has been many a year since she had to raise her glaive to do battle, and she knows that it will still be many more before she must raise it again. She hasn't even needed to transform in so long...
"If you don't, you can still back out. We won't hold it against you!" Michiru pleads this time, a worried expression across her face. Smiling, Hotaru clasps the woman's hands in her own, kissing each finger with tears in her eyes. Good-byes are always hard, especially with how many they've had over the years. First when ChibiUsa had returned to the future, then when Ami had gone off to medical school in another country, Minako when she began modeling and had to travel, all of them one-bye-on until they had grown distant. But she knows that should she need any of them, she would need only give a short phone call.
"I am sure, Michiru-mama, Haruka-papa. This is my choice," she whispers. Reaching out with another hand, she takes Setsuna's. The woman carefully clasps Hotaru's wrist and leaves something there: a silver bracelet with dangling charms. Each one is modeled after their respective weapons: a mirror for Michiru, a sword for Haruka, a key for Setsuna and even Hotaru's own glaive. The gift brings tears to her eyes momentarily, and, overcome with emotion, she clings to the guardian of the Space-Time Door.
"My gift to you, Hotaru-chan. May it bind us to you through all time," Setsuna whispers, fighting back her own tears. Quietly, Haruka offers up her own gift. She holds out the box, and Hotaru gentle takes it. Through the clear glass on the top, she can see the numerous glass spheres she once used to train with. Haruka had kept them all this time...! Hotaru's heart skips a beat in sadness.
"And from me, Hotaru..." Michiru whispers, holding out a violin case. No doubt it's an excellent violin, and that only makes the tears flow more. Gently setting the violin and glass spheres down on the ground, she throws her arms around Michiru. Goodbyes always hurt, but she of all people understands that they are necessary. Life is fleeting, and to have shared even a moment of that time with these people leaves her feeling blessed. She winds the fingers of one hand with Haruka's while Setsuna leans down to rest her chin in Hotaru's hair.
"If you ever need us, Hotaru..." Haruka whispers. Hotaru nods, smiling as tears stream down her face. They part, the three elders moving toward the car they'd come in. Hotaru's luggage had already all been moved inside, save for the two gifts she can carry herself. They remain standing outside their doors a moment, before finally each saying their specific goodbyes.
"Ja ne, Hotaru-chan!" Haruka calls, giving a wink and a wave before ducking in to start up the car.
"Take care and be sure to write us about how this all turns out!" Michiru says with an excited but caring smile before she, too, ducks into the vehicle, twisting her fingers together with her lover--her wife.
"May your future always be bright, Hotaru-chan," Setsuna offers with her cryptic smile. And then, she, too, is within the vehicle. Now, Hotaru watches silently as they drive off, waving after them the entire time while one hand sits balled up at her chest. Eventually, they are gone and she's left to take the two items on the ground inside. She carefully lifts them, then walks toward the still-open door from when her family helped her put her luggage within. Now once she is inside, she sets both violin and glass spheres on a decorative table before she sits down.
"Haruka-papa... Michiru-mama... Setsuna-mama... ...I will miss all of you... ...But thank you for raising me so well... And letting me go when the time came..." she whispers to herself, smiling alone in the house she'll share with the fiancé she still has yet to meet.