you shouldnt have loved me baby. when i was nothin, nothin at all

Feb 19, 2004 23:26

please make tomorrow pass quickly, pretty please! or rather let the 4 hours between 12 and 4pm pass quickly. pharmacology lab AKA disecting rats *shudders* right after lunch, i start gagging just thinking about it. ugh, not only do we have to disect a rat, were going to blend part of the brain too. i swear im going to end up throwing up all over the place, there better be some heavy sucktion in the airvents!

i passed another exam, well not really but were allowed to have 2 d-s on our graduation paper thingy, and since dynamic chemistry is the exam most people fail... no way am i going to end up with an f and thus have to take it again. im happy with it, though i thought it went better. oh well, shit happens.

i got americas sweetheart yesterday, i <3 it! it makes me feel like a fucking rock star, hahahaah. unfortunately its also causing me to lose my voice, just another evidence that i sing like shit but its fun, i kinda like how i sound after rocking out to it, hehehe. all raspy and fucked up. life despite god makes me want to get really drunk and lie on the floor screaming. its just really good, all of it. whats best is that my dog doesnt like courtneys voice, she ran into the bedroom earlier today because of it. fucking hilarious.

fuck jim carrey pisses me off, sooooooooooooooooooooo fucking annoying (ace ventura *kills self* is on tv).

dont you just hate when you see some one hot when youre using public transport? maybe its just me but i cant help gawking at them, heh. i swear i only encounter cute guys on public transportation when im tired and really horny (whoa, what a coincidence!). and its not like you can walk up to them and be like: "hey, youre cute heres my number", at least i cant. speaking of cute guys, im having the maddest "celebrity" crush on one of the guys from the danish version of queer eye (yes i watch it even though i say i hate shows like that).

ive spend sssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooo much money in feb, its scary. about 4000 dkkr (approx. $666), and 3000 of them are for text books, bus/train card and notes, it has NEVER been so bad. most expensive semester so far. it really sucks. i cant wait for march, money! (and new swan lee album and swan lee concert, hopefully). so much stuff, so little money!

i cant figure out if i should get a hair cut or not. i kinda like it long, thick and untamed but i have the worst case of split ends ever and im not paying a billion just to get the ends cut off. but i hate trying to make it look good when its short. bum bum bum... what to do, maybe i should just shave it all off again. yup, this is what occupies my mind at the moment. or maybe i should start wearing hats and caps, hmmm. oh i should get some baggy jeans, a big sweat shirt, some bling bling and a bandana! oh yeah, christoffer the hip hopper. or mayby i should go emo style. decisions, decisions. oh well, i wont have money nor time until march so ill just stick with the longish hair for a little while longer.

i should never have taken that nap earlier today, now im getting all hyper and not tired. sucky. ill never learn, hahahaahah. thank fuck its weekend tomorrow after 4, and the bar thingy is onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn tomorrow too so hopefully thatll be fun, gotta show some respect for the dead rats (any excuse to drink hahahaah). fuck knows i need to get out of this house. i hope i can get matilde to do some partying soon, its been too long. i cant even remember the last time i went out with her. why do i keep thinking about what she said about østen? i dont even know what she meant by it. im just gonna blame the ice cube game and why do i dwell on that? GAH! and new years eve too *scratches head* im perplexed. he confuses my gaydar (gaydar has to be the lamest term ever created), maybe hes just one of those damn metrosexuals, not that it matters... obviously *rolls eyes at self*

you shouldn't have loved me baby
when i was nothin', nothin' at all
i used to bleed for you
just to watch you fade
baby, baby, baby
rock and ruin
baby, baby, baby
i never come home to a burnt out room

you should've loved me baby
when redemption's too blind
nature took my soul
and sin left a scar so wide
time ravaged my body and
now i live in the house
where the red light's always on alone

baby, baby, baby
shame on you and me and you

here we go now
i'm under your skin
can't rub me out
can't rub it in
ooh, baby, running away
running away, to you

now i will wait for you
but i won't wait very long
i will wait for you
and when you bore me i'll be gone
and i will cheat on you with your daddy or son
i will fuck you up. i'm so sorry
it's just in my nature, baby
well there ain't nothin', nothin'
there ain't nothin' i can do to stop
oh bastard

here comes the rain
here comes the rain

my, you're blood is pumpin'
good and evil
god and the devil
ain't no ones pity

well, baby, your love's with me
your love's with hate

i will fuck you up
i will feel no guilt

that's right rub it in, can't get me
watch my face under your skin
i'll never go back
oh nest your head
'till you can't see straight
i watch your blood
it's pumping black
baby, your love's with me

here we go round
you're red and you're red

you're writhing away
from under my heel
run away, your head's on fire
can't tell the difference between hate and desire

everything went all fucking wrong
chaos reigns when i'm along
fuck you up
won't get me out
wash that stain under your skin
can't wash it out
coz i'd wash it in

all my love's in vain
all my love's in blood
all my love's in vain
i cannot, cannot find a vein

wow, that took a fucking long time, who ever thought white writing on pink was a good idea should be shot in the head with a bazooka.

its been quite sunny lately, finally spring is coming along. cant wait until april-may but most important: june, july and august... SUMMER BREAK! something im really looking forward too, no school, no work and just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i can really feel how much the little sun has improved my mood, im so not a winter person. i should just move to a place where its warm and sunny all the time, maybe england? i kid, i kid! hahahahaaha. some one buy me an exotic island near the equator.
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