Apr 14, 2003 15:57
Zebrahead....they write the lyrics that describe my life. i dont know how they do it, but they somehow amaze me everytime i hear their music. and just that one lyric stands true with a good amount of people. this journal entry really has no purpose to it. i dont really want to talk about last night. it was another night of disappointment on my end, and another night of explaining to myself why i never started drinking and to stop things before they go any farther. it's one of those nights where if i would have been sober things would have been alot more meaningful in certain aspects of certain conversations with certain people. i'm done drinking, matt got everything on tape anyways so if i ever want to relive that night i can just go watch how ignorant i was on tape and say...."ahh, thats why i dont drink." otherwise thats about it. if i wasnt so tired i think i'd be in a good mood, but something is still lingering(sp?) on my mind. who knows. i miss marissa