Mar 17, 2009 01:16
i'm not sure what to post, but i figure i have to write something. it would be a shame to let a almost decade long endeavor rust up and die. so i guess i will recap winter quarter. finally felt like i got into the swing of things. looking back on fall quarter, i think i was sick every other week. winter quarter was definitely less stressful partly because i was not taking 3 courses, although TAing has its own host of concerns and unique workload. mostly because i learned how to skim and BS a little better.
i am happy with the new project that i have developed and will hopefully start preliminary field work spring break in NYC. all things considered i have made a lot of good connections with very faculty members and am starting to sort out who i might want to work with.
next quarter, i will be doing a directed reading that i am REALLY looking forward to, i can't think of anything better than collaboratively putting together a reading list with a expert in that field and just talking about the readings on a one to one basis and it will be refreshing since i am working with sometime outside of anthropology in critical theory and i think its always nice to have an outside perspective. anyway, for the first week we are reading csordas and the following week she found an essay by merleau-ponty on freud. and so it begins...
i think about that sometimes...what i would say explaining my project to people outside of my department. i dont think i could even find the right words or wavelength. i forget where i read this, but somewhere i read that there was nothing more annoying in the world than grad students. and i think they were right. i can't think of something more narcissistic, self-indulgent, and myopic than graduate studies. but since i am not on the receiving end of it...i guess i can't complain.
looking forward to spring break in nyc.