IMG_2311Originally uploaded by
li.janny so i have been home for about three days and its been such a reality check. it feels like i have been floating for the past three months and now its finally time to sink and get serious about everything. to begin with, i have no idea when the first day of class is. all i know is that i have orientation on the 22nd and TA training on the 23rd and 24th, where i will learn how not to sexually harass my students.
i went to ikea this sunday and was pretty pleased everything i wanted ended up being reasonably affordable. i have put so much thought and effort into how i want my room to look that i have completely neglected my communal furniture. at this point, after spending three months in europe and potentially having to buy a car soon. my priority should be AFFORDABILITY. but to be very honest, i want my room to look nice. i figure i am an adult now, i want things to match and compliment each other, i don't want to get free shit from off the street. i want to have pride in where i live/sleep--i am talking about framed (and matte boarded) art, 400 thread count sheets, down comforters, potted plants (i have completely given up on anything taxidermied -- but a girl can dream)! i need this to look okay because i need to feel like an adult. this is speaking about my ROOM only, i could really give two shits about the common area.
speaking of feeling like an adult, i am completely at my parents whim. they casually have mentioned that they are willing to buy my communal furniture because they are adamant about me not taking used furniture from strangers because of "communicable diseases". even though, guess where all of my couches from college originated -- that's right, the STREETS. they chose to ignore this fact and insist on new (albeit, bare bones cheap) furniture. so if i badger them about it or even asks questions, they will become annoyed because they will feel that i think i am entitled. but if i don't ask any questions, i might spend my first month eating my dinner atop a cardboard box. parents, can't live with them...can't live without them.
i am still reading "foucault's pendulum" and every time i pick up that book, i still think "god, i am never going to finish this book". i don't know why i always put myself in arbitrary timelines, but by now i should be moving onto to "phenomenology of perception". i need to get my brain in working shape for school again. i need some serious motivation and the remote to be hidden from me.