Oct 24, 2005 23:03
It was a pretty uninteresting birthday but it was happy nonetheless. I got the highest score on the Foundations of Inquiry test. The highest score on the mid-term was 96% out of all the classes. And that is what I got. I was happy. The thing that made people a little annoyed with me is I didn't read the text book ever. That and they think the test for our paticular class wasn't graded on a curb because of me. heh However, that is probably not the case. Now people want me to help them study when finals comes around. Which is really odd, since I haven't even read the book. But hey, sure, sounds good to me. I wish I would have gottten a bit higher score on my Christian Foundations 1 mid-term. I did get a B on it without studying. But I really was hoping for an A. I didn't study because I was too busy writing a paper for another class. Time management hasn't been my strong suit. Which affects your grades inevitably. You can know the material, and articulate it clearly, and still have your grades hurt just by lack of time management skills. Now this confuses me. The standard writing format for biblical studies in most academic and scholarly settings is turabian which is spun of from Chicago. Now my complaint is this. I am a 1st year bible major, and I am already learning Turabian, when 2nd year bible majors haven't even had to learn it yet. Just a little info on Turabian, it is a pain. MLA is simplisitic in comparison. It's used for history as well, not just biblical studies. Regardless, I have to know at least MLA and Turabian quite well, and possibly APA. But since I am not a science major, I don't really have to be too well versed in APA. But anyways, I think it is odd how people can go far into their undergraduate studies as a bible major and not have to learn turabian. I guess it's something that is used mostly in seminary. Well, at least I will be a step ahead. Well that's the end of my rant on school for now. Everything is going pretty good, I am getting decent grades, trying to manage my time a little better so I can get more As. But still going good. The chaplaincy is going pretty well. I don't really have my hand in the class chapel that is coming up. But I stepped back from it. They wanted to sort stuff me in a time slot and do a sermon. It wasn't really appropriate. So perhaps next month I will do a message for chapel, it all depends. Wes hasn't contacted me about the chapel that's in response to sexual assault in the area. I don't think I will be speaking at that after all. Which is fine, I don't know what they wanted me to talk on anyways. I may talk to Wes about doing a message with him about spiritual warfare.
Oh, my Mom's health is good. But her stomach is kind of sensitive, she threw up after my birthday dinner, in my cup might I add. Despite how bad that sounds, she is actually doing well. If anything, my Dad's health isn't so good. Please pray for him. The pain he is having is getting worse. Background info on my Dad, he has brittle bones disease and bad artheritis. He is on disability at the moment and says he doesn't know if he is going to go back to work. Not to mention all the stuff that has been going on with his plant. He lost his pension, that was almost thirty years in that plant, he was close to retirement, real close, and he had a very...very good pension. My parents would have been set. But its all gone now. My parents wont be able to retire from the looks of it. But in all honesty, they simple dont know whats going to happen. So pray for my parents, things are rough for them right now. THough my Mom is handling it real well, I have to commend her, she has faith. My Dad is acting like he is going to die. The doctors told him a long time ago that he wouldnt live to see 50. He is currently 55. With all his health issues...who knows. I told him he has to stick around long enough to see his grand children. And he definitely needs to meet my sweetheart. I am not too worried I guess...its way out of my hands. There are some things I can do to help the matter. So I will do the things I can. That will have to be enough.
Okay, well, power is out on campus and people are getting loud. I am about to go to sleep I guess. If they tone it down a little. :-p