Apr 15, 2009 19:56
OK. So I'm married now. Not much difference. She just has my last name now. We still get on each others nerves, but that's normal. I've been reading a crap load of books. Trying to catch up on stuff. Our internet was out for about a week cause Verizon got our address mixed up with someone else and thus confusing our line with the other person's line. Our addresses are similar and because we are also living in the same apartments (not the same building and not on the same street... our building and apartment numbers are just the same). That was an interesting week (ZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzz). Not much is different. Tiff wants to get a new place. Preferably a house. I don't see that happening. Maybe another apartment with cheaper rent, but not a house to rent. Our room mate, Bryan, moved out with his girl friend. I'm basically bored here after I get home from work. Tiff works at Dominoes part time during the days until about 7. So I read or I'm on the computer updating things on stuff. LOL. Oh well. Alright I'll post something later.