Oh god, I am sosoSO tired right now, I'm starting to wonder if I somehow overmedicated today. Nnnrgh.
sharona1x2 had a
link about Guy Ritchie's (umm) movie version of Sherlock Holmes, which will apparently feature Robert Downey Jr. (NOM) as a gay Holmes. (Also on that site? A trailer for something called "Lesbian Vampire Killers." So, you know. Something for everyone. WhEE-oo, whEE-oo, whEE-oo!)
And IOON: Since I haven't felt very chatty lately, I had
merith 'meme' me with the talk about five random subjects thingy:
1. Lake Titicaca
Oh man. Poor Lake Titicaca, home of Cornholio. I don't remember exactly when the first time I heard the name, but I do know my reaction was the elementary or junior high equivalent of "oh, that's just unfortunate."
2. Vermilion
*cheats a little* The first Keen Eddie fic I read was "
A Vermillion to One." It was fun and I think y'all should read it, too. Even if you know nothing of the tv show. <.< (They're cop buddies! You like that!)
3. Miracles
Fun to say in a bad Spanish accent, briefly a tv show with Skeet Ulrich, though I never saw it. The commercials for the show made it look like it may have been X-Files-y - sans aliens/bizarre thoughts on FEMA.
4. Waterbeds
Why did waterbeds ever have a 'sexy' reputation? This has always confused me. They can be comfortable, but I'm not seeing the sexy - and that's not just because most of my waterbed experience has involved me being 12 (and sleeping alone, thankyouverymuch) or sleeping on my friend-who-did-not-believe-in-plugging-leaks' waterbed. Yeah, that was an awesome night.
5. Co-Workers
They are all insane. All of them. Well, maybe not. J did turn down F's fabulous offer to set her up with son of F. F is not someone you'd want as a mother-in-law prospect, as she is Queen Bizarre of CoWorkia.