"I can't believe I cut 45 words out of this" For The Win. (seriously: impressed with myself over here.)
Title: An Arrangement
Challenge: Let's Make a Deal
Pairing: Gojyo/Hakkai
Gojyo has found living with someone is full of compromises.
Which makes him think he wasn't so much living with Banri as existing in the same general area. Hakkai would agree, if mainly because Hakkai (doesn't like Banri) wouldn't call how they'd spent their days "living."
Hakkai and Gojyo have come to a silent agreement that a third of Gojyo's winnings end up in the bread box for use as Hakkai sees fit. A much-less silent agreement is cigarettes don't end their lives in beer cans.
The sneakiest deal Hakkai made concerns the bed; but Gojyo likes that one best.