
May 30, 2007 19:25

I think this is going to be my last thoughts on the subject because I'm getting tired of posts decrying that ZOMG THINGS ARE WORSE* and then linking to something that doesn't at all indicate that. Anyway:

I'm pissed that advertiser dollars are more important than user dollars.
I'm pissed that a group that doesn't appear to have any actual credentials or training may be who kicked all this into gear. and their goal of getting rid of ljs does not stop the user of that lj from doing horrible things in RL

I don't like how any of this went down, but I'm also tired of the sky falling, so here's a good link: How to Get Attention with a Dotcom Complaint. Call Six Apart, tell them what you think (politely).

There probably isn't anything that can be done for the innocent journals that got TOS'd (since you know Terms of Service), but SA should at least know that you're upset with the way they apparently flip-flopped on their need for proof of illegality and their love of advertisers over users.

*not directed at individuals on my flist, don't worry

LiveJournal continues stupidity... just differently

Today LiveJournal/SixApart deleted a ton of LJ's that violated their "terms of service." We went after LiveJournal/SixApart months ago, with a very specific list of pedophile blogs and communities. Not only were the staff at LiveJournal/SixApart beyond condescending and rude in their replies, they defended the advocacy of pedophilia and pedophile communities as being acceptable under their Terms of Service, something we contested in our original Writeup about them.

So today, LJ decides to finally do something about the pedophile communities that had sprung up on their service. However, rather than listening to us months ago, they decided to just wipe out whole fields of communities whether they were related to those who advocate child rape or not. We're not quite sure who is running the show over at LJ, but until they state without condition that actual pedophile activists and those promoting child rape are disallowed from their service, we will continue to list them as an aggressive Corporate Sex Offender.

Apparently LiveJournal can't tell the difference between what a pedophile community is and a Harry Potter fan-fiction community despite being told months ago which is what.

Yeah. I have not the words.
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