Mississippi is planning to outlaw all forms of birth control and all abortions, even in the case of rape or incest, and even in the case of ectopic pregnancies (short story, egg gets fertilized in the wrong part of the works, woman dies, ergo egg dies thus negating the fucking point, right?). This would also make all women who suffer miscarriages subject to a police investigation and criminal charges. That's as sickening as all the games they've been playing with rape, and shows quite clearly that the conservative agenda is nothing less than the withdrawal of basic human rights for women.
If you can donate, please do so. They're happy to accept money from outside of Mississippi. If you can't, then please follow the link the Democratic National Committee's page and sent them a note demanding that they take action NOW. I did.
I guess this means that all men should be forced to get vascestomies as soon as it's physically possible. I guess around.. hm, thirteen or fourteen? Does that sound about right?