My Shelfari Widget (hopefully)

Jun 11, 2008 10:52

*crosses fingers that this will work*

This might be of interest to my friends who have books out, or know people who do. It's from a site called, where you can set up a kind of virutal bookshelf and see what everyone else is reading. there are links to Amazon and Fictionwise, and you can leave reviews and comments of just chat generally. It also means you can make a fuss about your own books, or, less big-headedly, your friends books. So if anyone wants to join, friend me! Even if you don't want to join, it's still a nice place to publicise your current relases *looks at Jenna*

So what I have here is a widget. Not the kind of widget you find in the bottom of cans of beer, but and Interwebby type widget that should, all being well, allow you access to my shelf.

It's not quite as full as my shelves at home yet, but at least it doesn't take up as much space!

EDIT : My widget appears to be on the blink. I guess that means flat beer and no pretty pics of books. I don't know, you try and big up these people.... ;)


I seems to default to "Books I've read, so in order to display some books I want displayed I may have claimed to have read them when thats technically A FIB - don't tell anyone! ;)

book promotion

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