(Crossposted from t'other blog)
Tonight I will be appearing with Gareth L Powell, Juliet McKenna (
jemck )and Cheryl Morgan on a panel discussing Speculative Fiction (Fantasy, SF and Horror, although none of us are horror writers) - why we write it, and, the big question, HOW we write it (sometimes I’m hazy on both these points - brain turns on, words come out…).
The fun kicks off at 6pm at St Marks Baptist Church, Easton, Bristol. Tickets are a mere £5 and can be obtained from www.unputdownable.org , though I’m sure there will be more on the door. Unputdownable is the website of the first Bristol Festival of Literature, and the more people go to events like this one, the more chance they have of putting on a similar event next year. So please come, it’s a sunny day and we’re all friendly people!