Art of Forgetting - Character Picture post

Feb 08, 2011 22:22

I'm sure it's not just me that does this, but when I'm writing a book I like to find pictures of real-life people who look like the characters in my head and print out pictures of them and stick them up all over the place so I can remember what they look like and (ahem) mentally cast them in the movie for which I will be paid a six-figure sum...

Ok, so that last bit is pure fantasy. But I do like to track down people who look like my people (I always pictured Valery as looking like a young Ben Afleck - I have a picture of Ben Afleck looking especially snidey and evil ;) ) Doesn't matter if they're actual actors, or even if they're alive.

So, here are some pictures, snagged from, t'interwebby, of what I think some of my characters look like. BTW, this is just what I think, you might read it and have a totally different impression, and that's fine too :) I'm not going to get precious about it!

So here they are, just for fun :)

Nasira - she's a Sri Lankan actress called Kishani Alanki Perera, who I saw on Channel Four news talking about tsunami recovery efforts. I've never seen anything she's been in :) Chris saw this and said "Is this going to be a "hot person" book?"

Karl Urban (Eomer from Lord of the Rings) playing Dru. A slightly younger Karl Urban, but my casting has no truck with wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff....

This is just what I want the cover of the book to look like, though Northpoint should be more craggy and sinister. This is my Facebook profile picture at the moment, too...

Sam Worthington (again, a younger version) playing Jime. Sam Worthington fighting on the side he should be fighting on, for a change!

Niklaus - Daniel Johns from Silverchair, when he was still young and had hair ;)

Astan. This is an interesting one. Her name is Daniela Sea, and she appeared in the L-word as (I think) a transgender character. She was a pure find, I typed "androgynous" into Google images and there was my perfect Astan. I had a very clear idea of what Astan looked like in my head, and I went through pages going "not right, not right..." and then BINGO - Daniela! To be honest, Astan could just as easily have been played by a boy. But Daniela is perfect :)

And finally... my Rhodri :D

Just hope these pictures work now, I've spent ages doing this!

art of forgetting, characters, pictures

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