I iz famous on the Internetz

Nov 22, 2010 10:44

Yesterdays Google notifications brought two alerts that were actually ME, not the tapestry woman in Montana or the health and fitness guru who doesn't actually share my name (or my physique, sadly).

First of all, the blurb is up on the Wolfsinger site for "The Feline Queen", which is due out in March. Looking forward to that, it's been ages since I had a book out that wasn't shared with masses of other people.
It can be found here :


Just scroll down and you'll find me.

I'm also up on Amber Polo's blog this week, you can win a book and some other random goodies by leaving a comment, and I talk about Diana Wynne Jones, Bristolcon, and how I'd rather live in a made-up world than this one...


Thanks to Amber for taking time out from basting turkeys to host me :)

I should update the website, it's long overdue, but today I'm having a chest of drawers delivered, and the pacing in Art of Forgetting to sort out. And a mass of email to catch up on before I go away for the weekend. So that might have to wait.

promo, internet

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