This one's from the ResAliens Blog, which can be found here : The Aliens say :
"My favorite story was “Pirates of the Cumberland Basin” by Joanne Hall. As mentioned earlier, the variety of sub-genres represented in this collection is refreshing-and this swashbuckling SF mystery on the high seas (an ocean-covered England the result of global warming) is a nice change of pace. Each story in the anthology alludes to something Bristolian, and the famous ship, the SS Great Britain, is referenced here. None of the historical or cultural icons steal the show, however; they simply add place and context for well-developed plots and characters-especially in “Pirates,” which features detective Harry Muller, a dead socialite, a missing baby, a crime boss, child slavery, artifact smuggling, and, of course, pirates. Hall maintains interest as the reader sleuths along with Muller and, by story’s end, ties up all the loose strings in typical British fashion. Entertaining, but with an underlying message that gives one something to chew on after the caper concludes."
Which is pretty sweet :) One thing that puzzles me is how several people have referred to poor deceased Cornubia as a "socialite." Funny, I thought she was a refugee. It's always interesting to see how other people interpret your work, especially when what they read is not what you MEANT to write... :)
In other news, it is the Eleventh anniversary of the terrible twosome that is Me and Chris, so tonight we're going to see the Dead Weather to celebrate. Should be awesome!