Dec 01, 2005 13:25
I got an A in Java II. Imagine me, someone completely inept at programming, achieving an A. Especially when the professor didn't give me such a great grade in the previous programming class that I took with him. I'm so happy I could dance. And I just now nearly did.
That is my biggest news of all, though. Otherwise, life is full of working(yes I got a job. huh, what) and was, until yesterday, full of paper-writing and picture-taking. I got my book completed on Tuesday with only a minor snide comment from my photography teacher pointing out that since I didn't use full-size prints for my book, that I should have printed more. Lo and behold, though. Her star student did the same exact thing, so I automatically pointed that out to her, since, you know, I'm obligated to and everything.
I wrote my ethics essays in a short amount of time, but it took me a few hours to hammer out the 15 page term paper. I did it over internet piracy with slightly disapproving undertones so that my ethics professor would feel that I am just as ethical as he, and look down upon the rest of you pirating scum. After writing that, I downloaded more music and found a love for Japanese Gum(via listening to).
My game design document consisted of me asking Justin what I should do, since my brain was beyond dead at the time. He helped me design each level of my game, as well as do the character design, tools, story, and combat. Well let's just say I can't take full credit for the game. And so he has my endless gratitude and love. At least, until he does something to piss me off. You know how it goes.
Working has been a mixed blessing. I've learned a few things while in retail, that I didn't know before, since, you know, I never shop. Firstly, it doesn't matter how many signs you have up saying something. If you have a man in a costume dancing around singing and yelling that all sales are final, a customer will still make their happy way up to the register and try to return an item. Upon being informed that all sales are, in fact, final, they immediately demand, "Where does it say that?" So I, being the helpful person I am, take the time to point out every single sign that says so, including the one standing on the register a mere 10 inches from their face. I'd go on, but talking about customers grates my nerves since they like to boast their stupidity in various ways. Instead, co-workers.
I love my co-workers, save one. But she doesn't matter since the important people agree with me. Thorid, Shaniequa(really, really), Nancy, Brittany, Marguerite, Sandra, Connie, Elaine, Cindy, Alyssa, and Chris. Each one entertaining in their own right. I've only been working at Mervyn's for about three weeks now, but it's been long enough to really get to know some of them. It's been good times, great times, and especially amusing times. Moreso when Shaniequa is around since she has the perviest mind I've ever seen on anyone. Leaving when the store closes will be a lot harder than I initially thought it would be.
But really, an A in Java II? Seriously, what the fuck.