I'm probably only writing this because of the coffee

Sep 24, 2007 16:30

I'm going to write a few books in my time. Expect them to come out over the next four or five decades. I know of at least three I'm going to write: there is going to be a sci-fi/fantasy story of some kind just to serve as a creative outlet that I haven't tried but sounds like an entertaining task. There will be my psychological theory, which will most likely come out after I have much more life experience, and will likely be heavily influenced by Sullivan. It will more than likely consist of points where I agree with him and points where I think he was totally off the mark because of bias from his personal life (but that is how these things are formed). The third will be a paper of some sort directed towards the world public, with the overwhelming majority targeted towards the American public, and will more than likely be titled "You're doing it wrong."

I have this inability to take myself and much of life seriously so the paper addressing the people will more than likely contain an entire chapter of "Other potential titles for this paper."

Don't look forward to any of these. They won't be good, they probably won't make a whole lot of sense, and they aren't likely to be published anywhere. But hey, I feel that those writings are in me somewhere and wrenching them out of me should be a positive, or in the very least interesting, experience.
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