Stolen from junkofbob

Jun 03, 2008 21:56

..The Basics..
Birthday? August
Age you act? Sometimes
Age you wish you were? 17
Height? 5'8"
Eye color? Blue
Happy with it? Mhm

Hair color? Blonde
Left/right/ambidextrous? Right
Your living arrangement? Dorm until next week. Then home!
Family? I have 'em
Job? Grocery store
Piercings? 2 in left ear, 3 in right
Tattoos? None yet
Obsessions? Reading, writing, music
Can you speak another language? Some Spanish, more Japanese, going to learn German
Favorite quote? "How happy is the blameless vestal's lot? The world forgetting by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Each prayer accepted, each wish resigned."
-Alexander Pope

..Deep Thoughts..
Do you live in the moment? A majority of the time
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? I can be
Do you have any secrets? Who doesn't?
Do you hate yourself? At times
Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes. It changes- even when I'm writing the same thing
Do you have any bad habits? Don't we all?
What is the compliment you get most from people? You're good-looking/beautiful -_-;
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? "When Insanity Ensues"
What's your biggest fear? Spiders and clowns (except Trowa ^___^)

Can you sing? Horribly
Do you ever pretended to be someone else just to look cool? Nope
Are you a loner? I can be, but for the most part no
If you were another person, would you want to be friends with you? I try to be the kind of person I'd want to be friends with...So I guess so
Are you a daredevil? Not as much as I want to be
Is there anything you fear/hate about yourself? Unwillingness to get involved in an argument with someone very close to me
Are you passive or aggressive? Aggressive
What is your greatest strength and weakness? strength: being there for my friends when they need it, weakness: Lack of motivation most of the time
If you could change one thing about yourself? My ability to deal with conflict (or lack there of)
There are three choices, love, beauty & creativity, which one do you choose? Creativity
How do you vent? To certain friends, writing, listening to music
Do you think you are emotionally strong? Depends on the situation
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing? Yes
Do you think life has been good so far? Could be better, could be worse
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? If you want something, fight for it- I agree with Just Bob
What do you like most about your body? Eyes and height
and least? Flabby gut
Do you find yourself attractive? Rarely
Are you confident? Sometimes
Do people know how you feel? Most of the time
Are you perceived wrongly? At times

..Do you?..
Smoke? Hell no
Do drugs? You're joking, right?
Read the newspaper? Yupp

Pray? No
Go to church? No
Talk to strangers who IM you? Only to ask if I know them
Sleep with stuffed animals? They're taking over
Take walks in the rain? Yupp
Talk to people even though you hate them? Sometimes
Drive? Yes
Like to drive fast? If I had a car

..Have you ever?..
Hurt yourself? Who hasn't unintentionally?
Been out of the country? Canada and Mexico
Been in love? Yes
Gone skinny dipping? Nope
Had surgery? Nope
Ran away from home? No
Played strip poker? Nope
Got beaten up? In karate
Been picked on? All through elementary school
Been on stage? Not for a while
Slept outdoors? Camping!

Pulled an all-nighter? Once or twice
Talked on the phone all night? No
Slept together with someone of the opposite sex but didn't have sex? A lot this year
Slept all day? Only when I was sick
Killed someone?
Made out with a stranger? No
Had sex at all? Yes
Thought you were going crazy? Thought? Going?
Kissed the same sex? Yes
Been betrayed? Yes
Had a dream that came true? Do you count deja vu?
Met someone famous? Dale Earnheardt Sr. and Sammy Carlson (before he was famous)
Killed an animal by accident? No
Stolen anything? Yeah
Been on the radio/TV? TV
Been in a mosh-pit? Nope
Had a nervous breakdown? Once
Bungee jumped? Nope
Had a reoccurring dream? I think so

Shoe brand? Converse
Clothing brand? Disney
Scent? Roses, rain and natural pine
Normal attire? Jeans, t-shirt and jacket
Do you wear hats? Yeah
Do you wear make-up? Rarely. Only for special occasions
Favorite place to shop? Borders, Hot Topic
Favorite article of clothing? Black t-shirt with a red multi-layered heart
Are you trendy? Nope
Would you rather wear a uniform to school? No

Life on other planets? There's something on Mars!! lol
Miracles? Yes
Astrology? No
Magic? No
God? No
Satan? No
Santa? No
Ghosts? Yes
Luck? Yeah
Love? Yes
Love at first sight? No, love grows over time
Yin & Yang? Kinda
Is it possible to be faithful forever? Yes
Is there a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? If there were an end, maybe
Do you wish on stars? When I remember to

Do you remember your first love? Yes
Still love him/her? Yes
Do you consider love a mistake? No
What do you find romantic? roses, spontaneity, simple things- Totally agree with Just Bob
Turn-ons? Glasses, slight nerdiness, passionate about something
Turn-off? Self-centered jerks
Do you go more by looks or personality? First looks, then personality
Do you think the opposite sex finds you attractive? Apparently so
What is best about the opposite sex? Never know what they're going to do for you
and worst? Never know what they're going to do
What's the last present someone gave you? Dinner from Lee
Are you in love? I'll always love the first guy I fell for. Other than him, no

..The last person who..
You laughed at? KC
You went shopping with? KC and Andrew
Broke your heart? Andrew and David....*sigh*
Disappointed you? Matt and David
Made you cry? My grandfather (because I miss him)
Brightened your day? Ryan
You thought about? Kamon
You saw a movie with? KC. That 7 mile walk was fun :D
You talked to on the phone? Daddy
You talked to on IM? Kevin
You saw? RA at the front desk
You lost? David
You told off? Someone in the group prolly....
You trusted? Ryan and myself

..When was the last time you?..
Smiled? Couple minutes ago
Laughed? Walking back from guitar
Cried? Not too long ago
Bought something? Dinner at 5:30 or so
Danced? Standing around, waiting for something
Were sarcastic? When am I not? See? lol
Hugged someone? Today
Talked to an ex? Couple days ago
Watched your favorite movie? Quite a while
Had a nightmare? A while ago
Talked on the phone? Earlier today
Listened to the radio? Driving back here the other week
Watched TV? Last week
Went out? Always for foodz
Helped someone? Today
Were mean? Friday night
Sang? Often tonight
Saw a movie in a theater? Indiana Jones on Memorial Day
Said "I love you"? Sometime to Ryan not long ago
Missed someone? Always
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