Something Tragic has happened...My dear BoA...she has a new Image...a "Sexy" Image...*sob*...Just like what happened to Brittney only it took 5 years for BoA...Her new single "My Name"...It barely even sounds like her!...It's a decent song...but I saw the video and my mouth dropped...I was like "Why!!!???"...but seriously she had better not go all uber slut...she was better with clothes on...I mean her music is alot different but it isn't bad...I mean I'll still pick Listen To My Heart, Love&Honesty,Shine We Are!, Atlantis Princess, ETC. over this new album...I mean I have noooo problem with her trying new styles I loved her more hip-hop songs with Mo-flo.......but not her new provocative image....
hmmm...there isn't very many My Name Video Stills....perhaps...on there is the my name video and a bunch of others...but you have to join first...I's just sad