Something or Other Chapter (1/?)

Nov 09, 2010 23:43

Title: Something or Other
Main Pairings: KyuWook
Other Pairings : HaeHyuk, SiHan, KangTeuk, YeMin, others
Chapter: 1/?
Rating: PG for now
Disclaimer: I own none of them.
Warning: This is my first fanfic ever so I hope it's good.

I don’t know when it started. Was it your angelic voice? Or the pumping music behind you that drew me to you? All I know is I can’t leave you alone. You don’t know me, no one does. I’m just hiding in the corner of the classroom while you’re surrounded by the many fan girls and some boys as well. I see your bored expression as you try to ignore all the commotion that surrounds your desk.

The noises and clamor stop when the teacher walks in the door. Those that were around you move to their seats because they don’t want to be yelled at. You sigh in relief but there is still one paying attention to you. Me. Even while the teacher takes role call I’m staring at you.

“Kyuhyun…. Kyuhyun!” the teacher yelled.

I shook my head and jumped when I saw the teacher next to me.

“Is there something interesting over there? Would you like to share it with the class?”

“No Ma’am.”

“Then please repeat the last thing I said,” she demanded.

“Uh……. I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention,” I looked down.

“Right. Could someone please tell me what I said?” She looked around the room for a raised hand. “Ryeowook, care to tell the class what I said?”

I looked up towards you as you lowered your hand.

“You said that we were going to have a competition for the school’s birthday. Anyone can enter and anything is welcomed as long as it isn’t dangerous. It will be held for the whole day and it’s like a talent show. You win a prize if you are voted by the judges,” you said.

The teacher nodded her head, “Thank you at least someone paid attention.” She glared at me. “Do you understand, Kyuhyun?”

I nodded my head.

“Good. The prize will be picked out by the student body presi-“ The bell cut the teacher off and everyone rushed to pack up. The teacher sighed before she too packed up. I was slower than the rest because I watching your movements. Each flick of the wrist that threw the books into your backpack, the sigh you heaved when you stood up, and the look of sadness that lit up your eyes when you noticed that everyone was waiting for you to leave so they could ask how your day was.

I didn’t like that look on your face. It didn’t fit. I’ve seen your face with a smile when you thought no one was looking while you were singing in that room alone. I was passing on the way to the bathroom when I heard your voice. It caught my attention so I decided to look. There you were playing and singing with the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. I mean I’ve heard the one that they proclaim to having the best voice. I think his name was Yesung or something like that but he has nothing on you. I shouldn’t be talking about your friend like that should I? I’ll stop.

Anyway I’m the last heading out of the classroom but instead of heading towards the cafeteria I head to the computer room. I don’t like crowds. They always annoy me. I mean don’t get me wrong, I have friends but we just don’t meet up during the eating hour. Each of us goes to different rooms when we get the chance. I see them in the morning and after school. We usually go to my house to play some video games. Fishy always tries to beat me but he will never be able to. I’m too good.    Right I should introduce my friends but they’ll be introduced later. I have more important things to do.

I enter the computer room and head to my normal computer back in the corner. No one is in here with me as usual. I logged in and checked my e-mails. Multiple e-mails from Starcraft armies asking me to join them practically begging. This is normal. I guess this comes with being the best. I’m allowed to say that. I even have a plaque at home saying that with the multiple championships that I have won. I delete each of the e-mails and was about to sign in to Starcraft to play a game or two in the hour I had free when the door slammed open and close within a few seconds.

I looked above the computer. There you are standing with your back to me. Huffing and puffing as if you just ran a marathon which I’m going to guess that you did. You turned the lock on the door as soon as you heard the clamor of people rush past. You sighed with relief that you finally got away from the people. I stood up and walked behind you.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

fanwork: fanfiction(s), pairings: kyuwook

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