First Christmas (One-Shot)

Nov 23, 2010 02:22

Title: First Christmas
Main Pairings: KyuWook
Chapter: 1/1
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own none of them.
Warning: I don't write romance or fluff so it might not make sense.
Summary: What would be your best Christmas? The first one we spent together.

A/N: Written for the KyuWook Christmas Challenge on Also, the plot probably has been done multiple times so I'm sorry if it sounds similar to others.

It’s been two months since we’ve been together but it’s actually been longer than that. We’ve been friends since pre-school but I finally decided to confess to you only two months ago. I still couldn’t believe you felt the same for me. I remember your shocked face when I asked you to go out with me. You started laughing thinking it was a joke but it slowly died down when you saw my serious look. Your face became shocked yet again but a blush was slowly forming. You started to become shy as my stare was filled with love. You nodded looking at the floor with your face bright red.

To think that was not that long ago and since then we’ve grown closer and even better friends. I would always end up smiling at your shy act but I know you really aren’t as shy as you are perceived. However, when it comes to me you act like a virgin who just got his first love to like him back. We went on dates like any other couple but since we were both guys we couldn’t hold hands like the other couples that surrounded us. I could feel your hand graze mine, wanting to hold it like me.

I could plainly say that I wouldn’t be able to imagine my life without you near me. I know that was too mushy for me and I probably sound like an alien but this is what you did to me. My friends say you have me wrapped around your finger and sadly I’d have to agree. They laugh when you’re the only one that calms my evil impulses that I have and they’re so damn thankful to you. When they said that I pouted and replied I’m not that evil. They ended on the floor laughing and groaning in pain. I left after that.

The holidays are fast approaching and you asked me to go shopping with you for our families’ and friends’ presents. I picked you up at your apartment that was a little way away from mine. I was driving my red Eclipse that I had recently picked up from my father. He’s got too many cars that he has no idea what to do with them. They rust in the garage so I just end up changing my car every so often.

You great me with a smile as you open the door and you kiss my check. You blush and put your seat belt on. I ask you how’s things and you talk about how your brother finally was accepted into the prestigious music school that he wanted to get into since he was in middle school. I say congrats and he’ll have fun. You nodded your head. I switched to only my left hand on the wheel and grab your hand that’s resting on the middle consol. You twine your fingers within mine and I squeeze them in return. I was looking at the road with probably the biggest smile that I could produce.

We arrive at the mall and enter through the automated doors. The inside was crowded with millions of people searching for their last minute gifts that they forgot to get or is just starting because they lazy or too busy like us. I wanted to grab your hand so I couldn’t lose you but it seems I was already too late for that because when I went to grab your hand I was met with empty air. I cursed when I looked to where you were supposed to be and low and behold you aren’t there. I looked through the massive amounts of bodies but since you were short I couldn’t see you through the throngs of people. I took out my phone and texted you asking if you were alright. Seconds later you respond that you were safe in one of the stores. I thought that this was a great chance to look for your gift that I wanted to get you.

I responded saying that I’ll meet you in the food court at 2 because I needed to shop as well. All I got back was a ‘k’. I headed to the one place that I thought would have what I wanted. I was greeted as I entered and it was almost as busy as it was out there. I looked through the cases that lined the outer rims of the store and I found one that I thought you would like. It was plain silver band but there was an inlay of purple down the center of it. I decided to get it engraved with ‘Kyu <3 Wook Forever.’ Cheesy? I know it is but that’s how much I love you.

I was told that since it was so crowded that it would take at least an hour or so. I paid for it and left to get the other presents that I wanted to get you. I arrived in a piano store and went around checking the sounds of them all looking for the one that would fit you. A beautiful white grand piano, that stood out from the others and shined like you. The attendant said I could have it delivered by Christmas Eve. I told him where to deliver it and he nodded his head. I left the store almost skipping but I actually wasn’t because that would look weird, right?

I quickly shopped for everyone else that I knew I needed to get presents for. I arrived a little before the supposed meeting time so I could get some food, meaning ice cream. Yeah I know it’s not exactly food but I wanted it. I was about to lick the ice cream cone when it was pulled out of my hand. I turned ready to scream at the one who stole it but held my tongue after seeing you licking it. I froze as the scene sent a spark down to my groin. I shuttered at the images that ran through my head and I could feel my lower area begin to harden. I shook my head because this wasn’t the time or place to think like that.

“Ready?” I asked.

You nodded still focused on the cone that was in front of your face. I didn’t know if I said that with two separate meanings but I got up dragging my bags behind me. I made sure to grab yours as well since you were currently preoccupied with that cone.  I laughed at the mess you were making on your face. You turned towards me and your eyes questioned my sanity which only made me laugh harder. Once I quieted down, I reached into my coat pocket and took out a napkin to wipe your face. You blushed uncontrollably and lower your head. I laughed again and continue towards my car.

A few days past and it was Christmas Eve. It was planned that we would celebrate with our parents in my parents’ home so I had to pick you up. I arrived and waited nervously I didn’t know how you would react to what I had planned after the party. You opened the door full of smiles and bags. I saw this and opened my door to help you place them in the trunk. You smile in thanks and hug me. I squeezed you back.

“Merry Christmas, Wookie.” I whispered into your ear.

“Merry Christmas, Kyu.” You responded.

We shared a quick kiss that was almost as sweet as sugar. I wanted to prolong it but since it was freezing out I stopped it. I lead you towards the passenger side and made sure you were buckled in before I closed the door and went to my side. I drove towards my parents’ house not really paying any attention since I knew the way by instinct. My mind was filled with bad case scenarios at how tonight would turn out but I shook my head knowing you wouldn’t do that. Before I could think up anymore, I pulled into the long driveway that led to the house I lived in all my childhood.

The ground was covered with enough snow to make it beautiful out but not enough to make it annoying and a problem. You were looking out the windows at the bare trees and the landscape or maybe you weren’t. I parked behind the car that I believe was your parents’. I turned off the car and popped the trunk. I got out and grabbed the many bags. I tried to slam the door but failed a couple times. I was starting to get mad at the door and before I could curse it, you appeared next to me and shut it. I smiled in thanks which you returned.

You ringed the doorbell when we arrived at the front door. It was quickly opened by my mom who grabbed you. I glared at my enthusiastic mother.

“Alright. Alright. You can stop trying to burn holes into me with your eyes, son. I’ll get to you in a second.” My mother said cheekily.

I scoffed and said that wasn’t the reason I was glaring. She responded, “I know.”

Seconds later after my mom let go, another person launched themselves at you. This time it was my sister but unlike my mother was immune to the burning hole that I tried to make appear on her. She pulled you into the house and left me standing outside with all the bags. I growled and walked inside slamming the door shut after me. Unlike the trunk’s door this one actually closed.

I placed the presents next to the tree and greet my parents with a hug. I hit my sister who complained to mom and dad. I greeted your parents with a hug as well. Your brother greeted me with a wave of his hand which I returned.

Shortly after we arrived we sat down to dinner. Quiet talking flowed throughout the room. Talk about the future was a common topic. Our parents kept asking about how our relationship was and we just smiled at each other. I grabbed your hand underneath the table. My sister asked about our sex life which resulted in her head getting hit by mom and you blushing until your whole face was red. I grinned at my sister while she whined that she didn’t have to hit her since she was just curious. Mom rebutted her saying it was none of their business but if we were willing to talk about it she would like to know as well. My father in turn said to leave that subject alone.

After dinner we opened presents. I handed a card to you which stated, “Your presents are at my home and you will get them afterwards.” You raised an eyebrow at me and I just smirked. We quickly left after the present giving. I don’t know why but I was seriously sweating sitting in the car. I turned down the heat even thinking it was too hot in the car. You questioned me and I responded with a quiet ‘ok.’

We arrived at my apartment. I had left specific instructions to the piano people and I hope that they did as I asked. We went up the elevator to the top floor and stopped at my door.

“Wookie, Can you close your eyes?” I asked.

“Why?” You responded.

“I want this to be a surprise.”


You close your eyes while I opened the door. I pulled you into the room and lead you to the living room. Inside the room I saw the piano in the place I wanted it to be and hanging on it was a banner that I told them to put on it. I fingered the box in my pocket making sure it was there. I made you stand right in front of it.

For the second time today I said, “Merry Christmas, Wookie. You can open your eyes.”

I don’t know what shocked me first after you opened your eyes. You squealed when you saw the piano but when you read the banner tears started to fall. I had my arms around you the entire time and I let go when you turned around. I bent down on one knee and took out the box opening it as well.

“I know we’ve only been going out officially for two months but those two months have been my happiest months. We’ve know each other since we were young and we’ve never diverted from each other. We stood with each other through the many break ups with others but we would hold each other up. I don’t know when I fell in love with you. Maybe I loved you since the beginning but we’ll never know. When I asked you out, I never expected you to reciprocate but you did and I’m beyond happy. This may be fast but I can’t imagine my life without you. So will you do me the honor and marry me?”

You stood there shocked. I could see the tears falling freely now. I wanted to wipe them off but I wanted to hear your answer.

“Oh god. Kyu. Of course.” You responded falling into my chest crying your eyes out. I hugged you like I didn’t want you to go. You hands found their place on my shoulders while I found your lips. The kiss, which we have experienced multiple times, was like the first kiss we ever had. Sweet, short, and the most electrifying. It tasted of salty tears, a future to come, and my life being completed.

This was our first Christmas together but it was the start of a long line of Christmases.

So this is my first one-shot of them and I hope you like it. I don't usually write happy stories so this is a bit odd for me. The holidays are slowly closing in and I can't wait to go home. At that note, Thanksgiving is this week which means I'll be at home and away from my computer so there might be little chance to write. I will continue Something next week hopefully and I hope I don't lose my readers. Happy Holidays everyone!

fanwork: fanfiction(s), pairings: kyuwook

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