Jun 09, 2005 02:25
once again (i need to get some sort of sentance thesaurus... lol i always start my entires with "brad came over thins morning") anyway...
brad came over this afternoon, actually suprised me because usually hes here around 8-10am... but he came over in the middle of my soap.. so that was fun, even htough i missed DAYS... but bleh.. hes worth it. layed around for a bit, but then went out to walmart, i had to pick up some things before work so he tagged along, got to drive in the Jeep! whee!!
went to work, where it waant that bad.. dealt with grouchy coworkers, but nothing too to bad. so it was ok.
my mom called me while i was at work apparently and left some creepy-ass message on my phone saying "i cant tell you this over the phone, but come over we need to discuss our future, im not signing the lease for the house" or something to that affect, she wanted me to come over that minute, but i told her i was going home to bed... i was "Sleepy"
in all reality, it was tuesday night, i knew BJ was off and at his apt, so i went there, after talking to Rob for what seemed like FOREVER... gahh :-\ i tried telling him i gatta go... but bleh. chatty after work. hadto get gas for my car and then drove to Limerick, bleh. it was about 12:55 by the time i was on my way to limerick after passing what seemed like 72 cops, i called brad to let him know i was coming over, and left a voicemail. called him about 5 mins before i showed up and finally got through. prolyl a good thing.. lol he as getting kinda worried. and iwth good reason. i pulled in and went upto his door. suspecting that BJ was just going to be on the couch after a day off, i wasnt suspecting what he actually was doing.
he set up candle-lit dinner for two with a mix cd playing in the background! *giggles incessantly*
i was shocked. i was in sooo much awe about what was all going on at once, i was totally amazed and uttered the words "ohmygod" for the next two hours in between bites of stirfry. lol. after finishing up the stirfry, yet another suprise. he took my hand and asked for a dance. hehe. i was totally shocked and amazed at the whole situation, my face already hurt after two hours of a non-stop grin. it was totally crazy. i have told him ill have to top this somehow... though its not gonna be easy.. lol.
after dancing for a few songs, we pulled up chairs and cuddled in the kitchen for a bit, then got into the jeep to drive to the limington public beach for a skinnydip at dawn. maybe a better idea when we have warmer days and bug spray, but still fun :)
drove back to have the fun we wanted to without hte bugs for a couple hours and then fell asleep around 6:30-7ish and slept into about 12:30-1ish because we were feeling too lazy to get up. :)
*rest continued on thursday*