Political Stances.

Jan 11, 2008 02:27

I find it rather perplexing that people think I subscribe to a "Republican" point of view. I put that in big danger-quotes because I'm a Canadian and therefore not really prone to being "Republican" on the whole. It's hard to discern where exactly the lay of Canadian politics is because our Conservatives are bit more liberal than one might think and our Liberals are a bit more conservative than on might think. But that's the merry little clusterfuck that so happens to be part of Canadian politics.

Confusion of parties notwithstanding, I'm a Conservative voter (or was) for only one reason: I'm tired of being screwed over by the same Liberal dickery year after year after year. Conservatives have their own special brand of dickwaddery that screws you but at least it's a change from fourteen years of the same blasted "thing".

Now someone will propose I vote NDP or Green, and someone else will laugh. The reason I refuse to vote NDP is because they're a bunch of the biggest amateurs you could have when it comes to Canadian politics. The NDP has no leadership experience in its ranks, Jack Layton is a giant lying douchebag (they all are, but he's actually in denial more than the rest), and it's far too pro-unions for my taste. I have nothing against unions but they don't need a bloody political party behind them, all right?

As for voting Green, my major issue with that is that honest politics become dishonest politics via popularity. The fact is that Green looks like the good guy now but it's only a matter of time before they become cockswallowing fuckholes like the Conservatives and Liberals, only they'll legalise marijuana in the meantime, something I'm extremely against. I like the message Green has and I think they should have more of a share in how the nation functions, but I'm not sure I want them as federal leaders. As much as people distrust Stephen Harper I'm not sure he's doing such a bad job, and really that's what we as Canadians really want, isn't it? Someone who isn't fucking up every second of the day, only every other second, because we've had enough of the Liberals doing the former.

I'm not a Conservative proper however. If anything I'm an ethical liberal in my day to day life. You can't get away with being my friend and a rampant potsmoker at the same time, it just doesn't work that way. But on the other hand I'm not about to tell you that you need to believe in the economy and big business and all that sort of thing because I'm not really behind the whole "let's be corporate assholes" thing. I'm a moderate and I stand by that because any other stance is laced with equally large portions of ignorance and dicksucking.


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