Mar 16, 2007 20:16
Im deciding to type up my journals for Ruiz.......As in typin up a lot of raw emotion....Maybe?
HAHAHAHAHAHA that means a lot more entries! YAY I guess...but no one reads the journals i type up
so'll be boring but im bored and have a lot of energy......
Some people are quiote persistant......HEH......some just dont get a hint how much they mean to
me...not like boyfriend girlfriend stuff....I mean like really close family and u miss them when
they arent at school. I wanted to tell a friend of mine something big that happened this week but i
guess to that person i am not that important. I guess i will live. My happiness went away.....right
after i turned down the cool tv show (as b4 mentioned in pervious journal) opening theme........I
need more chibi's ^.^ chibis are cute. <.< >.> V.V LALALALA My mom was gonna make me get wood for a
fire...Hah what does she think she is? I am not her slave! I will not fall to her rule I may
pertend to listen and obey but I will never be my sister the loyal follower until 11th grade. I am
my own person I am double spacing to make it look bigger. ^.^
Later Im in a good mood again. I made myself be happy
BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE WELL AND YOU ARE.BELIEVE YOU ARE ILL AND YOU WILL BECOME ILL........i just busted out laughing at the Tv show......i love bein happy.
Well ima go now...Later bye byes
Natasha D. Deskins