I have no recollection of this.

Jun 29, 2004 18:14

Hello Casey-

The TacoTime restaurants in Western Washington are franchised and controlled by Accord, Inc., based in Renton, WA. I am forwarding your message to their organization. You can also access their website for further information at www.tacotimenw.com.


Jocelyn Bonebrake
Support Services Manager
Kahala Corp

CustomerFeedback@kahalacorp.com wrote:

*Customer Feedback*

When Tue Jun 29 15:01:57 MST 2004
Name Casey Broadwater

Comment I absolutely LOVE your beef tacos!!! Keep up the good work!;) But I do have one beef (no pun intended) about your "mexi-fries." As a Mexican, I am offended by a menue that serves "mexi-fries." I know you mean no harm, but it really is an insult when you think about it. Wouldn't it be terrible if we had "negro-nuggets," or "afro-beans?" Spike Lee and the democrats would be all over that. Please consider my complaint as a suggestion from a loyal customer. I would greatly appreciate any feeback you have regarding my request. Sincerely, Casey Broadwater
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