Jul 08, 2003 18:20
Yesterday at Wendy's I sat behind a man who's shirt said "The balloon catheter that's ready for whatever you encounter." I don't even know what to say. Just sitting there, eating with his three year old daughter, wearing a shirt that advertises a royal-ranger worthy catheter.
Same day: While I'm eating, an I'm-guessing-seven-year-old kid approaches me timidly with a beach towel wrapped around his face so that only his eyes are visible. He stretches out his hand, which is holding one dime, a nickle, and two pennies, and says "Here's seventeen cents. I don't want it anymore." I say, "Thank you, young Robin Hood," and he bolts out the door, clutching at his towel to keep it from falling off.
Saturday, when I was at an Albertson's grocery store in Bremerton, a blind man whacked me across the back of my knees with his cane. He was carrying three cases of Budweiser under his other arm. I didn't say anything and tried to shuffle away as quietly as I could.
A balloon catheter that's ready to work, play, serve, obey, worship, live, etc!
My new thing is cream soda. Safeway had a deal where you get five twelve packs of for seven bucks. Needless to say there is no longer room for food in my refrigerator.
Today a coworker got in a dispute with a Japanese student over a twenty-five dollar fee for not showing up to a lesson. The student was trying to get the fee waived and had adequate evidence to support his case. However, the coworker wouldn't back down and the student left the office without resolving the problem. Later, enfuriating me, the coworker says "I wonder if it's their culture that teaches them this sneaky haggling tactics." Then again, this is the woman who unconsciously brags every morning about her family's wealth. When I told her I had a toothache she said, "You have a cavity? I thought people didn't get those any more...My kids certainly don't have any." Not the sort of person who would say, "Here's seventeen cents, I don't want it anymore."
"John Keats/ John Keats/ John/ Please put your scarf on."
"Find the person you love, and who will love you, and with whom you can have babies of your own."