Is it so wrong to think that the guy in the
chewphoria commercial is just a little hot, especially when he does that thing with the belt.
I've come to the conclusion that the parents are worse than the children. Kids don't generally care, parents tend to care too much. I care... enough to not get fired. All hail.
I have to be up for another glorious day in 5 hours. God bless having Friday's off. I thought that maybe I'd be too busy at work to think about anything, but I was wrong.
The school fucked up today. We had kids waiting 2 hours to get their portraits done. Parents were pissed, the school apologized. I still didn't get home in time to do any artwork. It feels like life is systematically beating the creativity out of me.
I'm a mess of pent up rage. I find myself wanting to kick in my co-worker's teeth sometimes. GAH! Why don't they ever assign me to work with people I like?
Oh well. Wish me luck.